Chapter 4

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Recap (because I've disappeared for a century):

"Hey, where the hell is shit glasses?"

You know, Eren wondered if this man stole the kid in his arms. No sensible father that cared for their kid cursed around them or insulted people right in front of them, unless while covering their ears.


"Sh-shit glasses—? Sir we don't have anyone here by"

Eren never claimed to be a saint alright. Yeah, he cursed in front of the child too who, by the way, was staring into his damn soul. But what mattered was that the midget said it first!

That's what mattered.

"So you're telling me you don't have someone here who wear glasses, smells like shit, has greasy hair always in ponytail, and goes by the name of Hange Zoe?"

Beside him, Krista let out something that sounded like an aborted snort, the girl clearing her throat as she suddenly found it incredibly important to start doing her job of figuring out appointments. Eren immediately made a note to scrap their friendship because how dare she leave him to this stooch?!

The man with the new nickname of 'stooch' leveled his gaze with the college student, shifting the child in his arms.

"That person I described owns the place and I called her ahead of time to come in. I'm an...acquaintance of hers and I need to speak with her."

He explained and Eren nodded cautiously. Of course, anyone could pull a Karen and say they knew the owner but what if he didn't know her and Eren let him see her? What he did and he put in a complaint of him not doing his job? What the hell would Mikasa do if she heard he got fired again, what would Armin do to his spleen—?!


Krista cleared her throat, looking at Eren out of the corner of her eye. When the brunet failed to respond, she gave the man in front of the desk an apologetic smile.

"Please forgive him sir, he's a new hire here. You're friends with Ms. Zoe you say?"

"That is correct yes."

He looked pleased to finally get the conversation—if it could be called that—moving. Krista nodded and bent down to retrieve a clipboard only to place on the desk facing the man.

"On what business are you here on sir? If it's personal business, we'll bring Ms. Zoe out speak with you but you must sign here with your contact information to state yourself as a visitor—legal matters and all. I hope you don't mind as it's all to try to make sure the are children safe."

Krista educates the man and Eren had to give her a mental applaud for taking over so smoothly while he had a mental breakdown. At that, man nodded his head, shifting the rather quiet, and creepy child on his hip before reaching forward for the pen on the clipboard, talking all the while.

"No, no it's fine really..The reason why I'm here is because of this guy—"

Once signing his name and information, the man cocked his head to the toddler, the boy looking at the adults with a shy curiosity.

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