2: Meeting Him

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*(Y/N)'s POV*

Walking into Blips and Chitz, I noticed aliens of many different species. I sat at a table, placing my portal gun on the table in front of me and surveyed the area. That's when two people who caught my eye walked in. They were both human looking.

One was short about 5'5, 5'6. He was pretty awkward looking. His brown hair was short and almost afro like. He wore a yellow t-shirt with a pair of dark blue pants.

The other was much taller, about 6'4, 6'5. He had full, grayish blue hair that 'spiked' out in different directions. His unibrow was the same color as his hair. His eyes were large and had bags under them. He had green drool on his mouth. He wore a bluish green long sleeve shirt with a bleach white lab coat, the long sleeve shirt tucked into a pair of khakis with a black belt. He looked to be around his 40s'. He looked.....familiar. 

The old one says something to the younger one before he walks over to my table, the young one goes and plays a few games. I grab my portal gun and place it in my lap. The older one pulls a flask out of his jacket as he sits in the seat across from me.

"Hell-EU-GGHo" He says, burping as he says it.

"That seats taken" I tell him, glaring at him.

"Oh really? Cause I don't see anyone else" He took a look around the room.

"It's taken old man, get up and leave."

"Names Rick, not old man."

"Bye Rick." I tell him, getting up and putting my portal gun in my coat pocket. I walked to the Roy game and inserted a token, putting the helmet on.

The game ended with me living to age 107 by going off the grid. When I took the helmet off, I saw a crowd of people around me. Rick was standing in the front of the crowd. I just glared at him while the rest of the crowd went back to doing whatever they were doing before I played. Rick clapped slowly, moving closer to me.

"I got to give it to you. For an (Y/N), your pretty smart." What did he mean by 'For a (Y/N)'?

"For a (Y/N)? I never told you my name."

"I have my ways" He laughed and pointed to his brain. I looked at him suspiciously.

"So, how does someone like you get their hands on a portal gun?" He asks, taking the gun from my pocket.

"Hey! That's mine!" I shouted, jumping for it. He's holding it above his head and seeing he's about a foot taller than me, I fail. He laughs and pushes me off of him.

"Answer my question." He said, lowering his arm. Grabbing his arm, I flipped him, causing him to land on his back. I grabbed my portal gun and began to walk away.

"I have my ways" I told him, walking outside. I changed the coordinates on the gun to my dimension. Earth Dimension C-137. I shot a portal and was about to step in till someone grabbed me and pulled me into a different portal. I looked and saw none other then Rick. We were in a house that I know wasn't mine so it had to be his.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around.

"W-who are y-you?" Said a young wimpy voice. I turned around and saw the young boy from Blips and Chitz.

"Who are you?" I asked, holding my portal gun tightly.

"M-morty" he stuttered. He pulled Rick to the side.

"I thought she was dead." Morty whispered to Rick. Rick looked back at me then dragged me down a hall to what I presume to be the garage.

"Every-EUGGH-one, living room no-EUGGH-w." He looked at me. "You stay here. Give me your portal gun to I kn-EUGGH-w you won't leave."

I hesitated before giving it to him. He threw it at the ground shattering it. I gasped before falling to my knees and picking up the pieces.

"You ass!" I shout as him as he takes a swig from his flask and walks away. I growled as I shoved all the pieces in my pocket and stood up, walking to the hall.

"Hey Fuckface! Get back here and fix my portal gun!" I shouted.

"(Y/N)?" I heard an woman's voice say. Then I heard Rick say something. I looked around the garage and found tools that I could use to fix my gun.

*Rick's POV*

"Listen. And don't interrupt me." I tell everyone. "Almost ever dime-EUGGH-nsion has a (Y/N). The (Y/N) that died was from a different dimension. Dimensio-EUGGH-n C-132 to be exact. That (Y/N) didn't have a Rick so I got her. This (Y/N) is from our dimension. She was suppose to be my (Y/N) but because she has a portal gun, she has been dimension hopping. This (Y/N) doesn't know any of you so its like a fresh star-"  I was cut off by a big  boom from the garage. 

"Fuck," I ran to the garage to see (Y/N) coughing and waving smoke out of her face. She had my tools pulled out and her portal gun somewhat fixed. 

"What are you doing?" I shout at her, picking my tools up. 

"I was trying to fix the portal gun you broke!" She said, anger lacing her voice. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want from me?" She asked. Grabbing the remains of her portal gun.

"You'll see soon enough." I tell her, picking up a needle with tranquilizer in it and stab it into her neck. Her body falls into my arms. I picked her up bridal style and carry her to the living room. I set her down on the couch and place a blanket over her before walking back to the garage. 

I have to give it to this (Y/N) though. Shes a lot smarter than all other (Y/N)'s I've met. She's confident and rebellious. She's got this 'Fuck Off' vibe going on that I can't get enough of. And, of course, there are some physical features that separate her from the rest. Her (h/c) with (f/c) highlights in it. She seemed to be a lot more athletic then the others. But one thing I knew was that:

It's gonna be hard making her mine.

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