The Awakening

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The forest was alive with sound, water flowing, wind blowing, leaves rattling against each other. Everything was peaceful, like every other day there. Though this day, something strange happened, something no one knew about, something big.

Alone, unconscious, and very out of place, someone lay in the forest. Eventually he woke with a sick moan.

"Man..." He mumbled, "oh man, my stomach. I feel awful."

He looked around, but everything he saw was blurry and distorted. He tried rubbing his eyes, but that did nothing.

"Ugh..." He moaned again, "what happened to me? Why can't I remember?"

After minutes of rolling on the ground, feeling nauseous,  he finally reasoned to himself that he needed help and that no one would find him there. He struggled to stand up on weak, shaky legs, and fell forward many times. Eventually he regained his balance and began wobbling around, his arms outstretched so he wouldn't run into any of the brown blurs of trees. After wondering around for several minutes, quite literally blindly, he began to her the crushing roar of a distant waterfall. In the hopes of possibly finding someone, and something to drink, he began wobbling toward it. After a while he came to a blurry lake with a wide waterfall pouring into it. His eyes had adjusted enough that he could see that the water was crystal clear. He dipped his hand into the water and took a drink, then another, and another till his thirst was quenched. He soon eyed a tree sitting on the waters edge providing ample shade, so he decided to cool off under it. After a few minutes of relaxing in the cool shade of his tree, he found himself thirsty again. As he reached down into the water for another drink he froze and a look of confused terror crept across his face. Despite his mysterious amnesia he did know one thing, he was a human, but when he looked at himself in the water the face he saw didn't even belong to a human.

"W-what the..." He stuttered. "T-this can't be happening! I'm just seeing things!" He backed off from the water and pressed his back against his tree only to be scraped by the bark oh his hand. He examined the scrape only to find that his hand wasn't his own. In a panic he checked himself over and examined his reflection again. "This can't be happening! This-this can't be happening!" He repeated the phrase over and over while trying to wake himself from what he thought must've been a dream.

He splashed water on his face and hurt himself all to try and leave his nightmare. When he had finally exhausted himself he curled up under his tree and sobbed, clenching his stinging and aching wounds, and bleeding cuts. He cried till he had no tears left to cry and still wept till he fell into a deep sleep. There he relived the events over in his mind, waking up alone and confused to find he'd transformed into a Pokémon, Squirtle.

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