The Dark Deed

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In a secret and growing darkness, evil flourished. It festered like an infected wound and scarred the world around it. The cause of this evil constantly grew more powerful with each passing second as the originator if the evil grew more powerful every day.

"My lord," called a Gengar. Gengar was a very mischievous Pokémon, using his ghostly powers to fulfill his wicked deeds. He was speaking to someone, who sat high up on a black throne in a realm of his own creation, "I have word from your spies. It''s more on the Squirtle sir..."

A dark voice coming from the throne sighed in annoyance. "What has he done this time Gengar?"

The Gengar nervously replied. "Well sir, eh, this time he's interfered with our plans directly."

"What!" Shouted the voice in such a thunderous voice that it shook the ground. "What has he done? Tell me now!"

"He intercepted a shipment of Dusk Stones!" Replied the Gengar, frightened. "Dusk Stones that we, well, collected from Eevee families. He returned them all, he and the Pikachu girl named Pika."

The voice let out an annoyed huff. "These interruptions have plagued us for months, we must do something about it."

"KehKehKeh," laughed the Gengar, "Not to worry your darkness, I have a plan to rid us of them."

"What ever it is, Gengar, do it." He paused, lost in thought. "Has there been any word from Darkrai?"

"No sir," replied the Gengar, "none since he disappeared, and that was many years ago. Though there are rumors floating about of where he may be."

"Whatever the rumor, Gengar, test it. If you find him, get him here. If he refuses..."

"You mean to say I should fight him?!" Interrupted the Gengar. "Keh keh, No offense my lord, but don't you think you should send someone more...experienced?"

"Yes," replied the voice, "that's why you'll be working with Dusknoir. He's agreed to help us with our plans, unfortunately he's busy, so you can focus on those pesky kids in the meantime. But remember, once Dusknoir returns, find Darkrai and bring him back. And make sure to bring him in one piece. He is the final key to my master plan to conquer this world, finally plunge it into darkness! When that happens, not even this 'Squirt' child will be able to restore order!" The voice let out a mighty laugh. "Tell me Gengar, what is your plan for them?"

"KehKehKeh," chuckled the Gengar, "you will soon see, master, trust me when I say we will be rid of Squirt and Pika, once and for all."

"I wait patiently for the good news, Gengar. Anything you may need to accomplish this, I will happily provide."

"My lord," replied the Gengar with a bow, "I promise, you will not be disappointed."

( To be Continued )

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