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The trio's journey home was safe and short, and within a few hours they arrived at Pika and Rai's home.

"Mom, Dad," yelled Pika, "we're home!" Her mother soon appeared at the door.

"Home so soon?" She asked "I'd expected you to be gone longer." Pika and Rai's mother was a kind and caring lady. Yet at the same time, she also made sure to run a tight ship, taking sass from no one. She loved her children and smiled as she looked between them, then her eyes drifted over to their blue friend.

"Oh, who's this?" She asked

The trio looked between each other hoping someone could come up with something to say.

"We never really got his name." Said Rai nervously.

"Well I'm sure he won't mind telling me." She looked him dead in the eye and held out her hand. "Hi, I'm Pika and Rai's mother, and you are?"

"I..." He started.

"SQUIRT!!!" Pika yelled out. "He's Squirt, that's his name." She smiled nervously.

"Uhh...yah, I'm Squirt." He shook her mom's hand.

"Well then Squirt," replied Pika's mom, "it's nice to meet you. Are you from anywhere close?"

"I..." Squirt started again.

"He's from the other side of town," interrupted Pika again, "we ran into him at the square."

"Well, you are welcome here at any time." She replied with a warm smile. "Any friend of Pika or Rai is a friend of ours."

"Hey mom," Rai interrupted, "can we talk in private with dad for a second?"

"Oh sure, just let me get your father, come on in."

Pika, Rai, and Squirt all came inside, their father was siting at a desk writing something. Their father was also kind, but he too ran a tight ship. Whenever he took charge of a situation things don't done fast and efficiently. Although he spent most of his time working, he always made sure to set aside some time to be with his family. Rai motioned to his father to come outside and the three left Squirt and Pika in the house.

"Mom, dad, listen," Rai started, "Squirt is only here because he needs help. We found him in the forest today totally alone."

"Well why does he need help," asked his father, "other than he's lost of course."

"To be honest," replied Rai, "I think he needs mental help. He has no clue what his name is, how old he is, or where he is. He literally can't remember anything about himself."

"Well...that sure is something," commented his mom, "but he seems nice enough."

"Mom, he thinks he's a human." Rai explained, and everyone fell silent. "He told us that he's supposed to be a human. Either he's playing some game, or Squirt is insane."

They stood in the silence for a while. Everyone new about humans, but only from myths and legends. The oldest Pokémon swear that they were alive to see one, but there is simply no proof.

"Well..." said Rai's father, "maybe we should take him to see a doctor, maybe Alakazam and Espeon."

"I agree," said Rai's mother, "we need to find out if he is really crazy or if someone did something to him, the poor guy. I'll run into town and schedule an appointment."

"I think I'll go to," said his father, "want to come along Rai?"

"Yah I think I will. Let's go."

Rai and his parents then went into town to see Dr.'s Alakazam and Espeon. And while they were gone Pika and Squirt stayed behind and sat on the floor of the living room. The house was warm and welcoming. There were well made and comfortable chairs, and the furniture, while not particularly fancy, was sturdily built. The house itself was not huge, but it was by no means small. There was a dining room, a kitchen, bedrooms, an office, and a storage room along with a small garden off to the side.

"So," began Pika "you really don't remember anything."

"Nothing." Squirt replied.

"Nothing at all."


"Are you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure."

"Well I think you're lying."

"I'm not lying. All I know is that I woke up in the woods yesterday as a Squirtle."

"Yah, you're lying."

"I'm not!" He raised his voice as he stood up. "What would I have to gain by lying about something like that?"

"True, but still, humans only exist in fairytales, everyone knows about them."

After a while, Rai and his parents came home.

"Ok Squirt, it looks like you'll be staying with us for a while so you can sleep in Pika's room." Said Pika's mom.

"What!" Pika wined. "But mom!"

"But nothing," replied her mother, "Squirt is our guest, now it's lights out."

Everyone went to their rooms but Pika's mom held her back for a second.

"Pika, you need to be nice to Squirt till we find out what to do with him."

"Ok mom. But why does he have to stay in my room?"

"Because your room was meant to have two beds in it and Rai's wasn't. Now off to bed, and be nice."

Pika went to her room she now shared with Squirt, who was simply standing in the middle of the room, looking around. The room was like all the others, besides the fact it was a little bit larger. There were two beds in it already and a single window at the back of the room that looked over the town and let in a cool breeze. The beds, while more accurately described as nests, were situated on opposite sides of the room and were made of soft things, and were actually surprisingly comfortable.

Pika tapped on Squirt's shoulder and pointed to one of the beds. "That one's yours, welcome to casa de Pika."

As squirt laid down in his bed, Pika walked to the end of the room to a small table with a burning candle on it. The blew it out and they two drifted fast asleep.

Pokémon | Explorers of Darkness and Light (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now