Audie Rescue

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After a few hours of walking, Pika and Squirt soon found themselves at the entrance to the Salandit gang's hideout, a cave on the outskirts of town surrounded by a barren wasteland full of burned trees and other dead plants.

Pika turned to Squirt. "Ok Squirt, you ready?"

"Not really," he replied, "I never agreed to this."

"Aw come on Squirt, it'll be fun!"

"Fun isn't how I would describe this, I would use stupid, idiotic, possibly even suicidal, but not fun."

"You think way too much Squirt. Now come on, let's go."

They entered the cave and pushed forward, the space around them slowly grew darker as they progressed till they could see nothing but darkness around them.

"Pika," Squirt spoke up, "I have to ask, do you even have a plan? This rescue just seems very poorly thought out, seeing how I have no clue where I'm going."

"Just relax Squirt," replied Pika, "I'm sure we're going the right way."

"And how do you know that?" He asked. "It's so dark in here I can't see my hand in front of my face!" His voice bounced off the cave walls and Pika quickly silenced him.

"Shh! Be quiet, they'll know we're coming. I just know ok, I have good instincts and they're telling me this is the right way."

Squirt shook his head and continued through the darkness blindly, stoping then continuing occasionally. Every now and then Squirt would reach forward and touch Pika on her shoulder to make sure she was still there. Suddenly Pika tripped over something and sent both her and Squirt to the ground.

"Ah, Squirt did you move ahead of me?" Pika asked as she began reaching out into the darkness looking for whatever she tripped over.

"No," he replied, "I'm just following you because you apparently know where to go."

"Well then what did I just run into?"

"A rock maybe?"

"No, it's gone now."

The space around them suddenly became dimly lit and both Pika and Squirt turned to the source of the light, the source being a Salandit sitting next to them who had the markings on his back glowing.

"Hi," he said, "I'm Sal."

"Get em!" Shouted Pika who then tackled the Salandit.

"Hey I don't want any trouble!" Sal wriggled and squirmed to escape her grasp, but it was of no use. "Let me go!"

"Not a chance you-"

"Not till you help us out!" Squirt interrupted.

"Fine," Sal replied, "what do you want me to do?"

"Help us save our friend, in return we'll let you go."

"Oh are you friends with that little Audino?" Sal asked.

"Why else would we be here!" Yelled Pika.

"Ok, sheesh. Just so you know I was against taking her the whole time, but no one listens to me." Pika let Sal up and he grew his flames brighter. "Just follow me, I'll guide you the rest of the way."

Pika and Squirt followed Sal through the cave in silence till they finally arrived outside a large, dimly lit room.

"Ok," began Sal "the main thing you have to worry about is our leader, she can see everything from her perch. Let me tell you one thing about her, she is not friendly."

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