New Friends

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Soon morning came and the sun shone on the lost boy under the tree. Though he was entirely unaware that he was being watched.

"See, there he is," a voice whispered, "just like I told you."

"Yah," whispered another, "I can see him."

"Oh," whispered the first voice again, "maybe he's lost. He probably wondered away from home and couldn't find his way back."

"If he is," replied the second, "how did he wonder all the way out here? No one lives this far into the forest."

"Yah...I say we wake him up."

"What! No, let's just leave him alone."

"Why? He's lost, he needs our help."

"No, for all we know, he could be perfectly awake and waiting to jump us."

"Brother, do you really think a Squirtle would do something like that?"

"I-I don't know, I'm just being cautious. We don't want to be getting into any trouble."

"Now where's the fun in that? You've got to have a little adventure now and then, or else life would be boring."

The two strangers slowly approached the sleeping Squirtle. As they got closer, a small sliver of sun shone over the distant tree line casting it's light over the shut eyes of the Squirtle. When he finally woke, he saw a Pikachu and a Raichu, standing over him. His eyes shot open at the surprising sight, he let out a surprised yell, and he accidentally fell into the lake. He splashed around trying to keep his head above water with his heavy new shell.

The Pikachu looked at him, confused. "Well why is he doing that?"

"I don't think he can swim!" The Raichu replied.

"Well why not? He's a Squirtle!"

"Well this one is drowning! Come on!"

They jumped in and pulled the drowning Squirtle out of the water. Once they got ashore, they all laid down and caught their breath. Then the Pikachu stood up.

"Well, now that we've saved your life, allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Pika, and he's my brother."

The Raichu sat up, "I'm Rai."

Pika hopped next to the Squirtle and sat down. "So, what's your name?"

He sat up and looked between them both. "I...I don't know."

Pika and Rai looked at each other than back to the Squirtle.

"How do you not know your own name?" Asked Pika.

"I don't know, I just woke up here. I don't even know where I am!"

"Do you remember you parents names?"


"Family members, friends?"


"Well what do you remember then?"

"All I remember is that I'm not supposed to be like...this! I'm not supposed to be a Pokemon. I'm a human, not a Squirtle!"

Pika and Rai glanced at each other again, then back to the Squirtle.

"Uh," Pika spoke up, "Rai, can we talk for a second?"

Pika and Rai waked off a bit and left the Squirtle siting under the tree.

"Rai, this guy need help." Said Pika.

"Yah, I know. He thinks he's a human! They only exist in myths and fairy tales."

"I know! Let's take him home!"

"What! Pika you must be as crazy as him! We're not taking home some stranger."

"Rai, he needs help. Help we can provide! He needs us Rai."

Rai let out an annoyed sigh of defeat. "Fine, we'll take him home. But only till we find someone to take him in."

"It's a deal."

They walked back to the Squirtle who was still sitting where they had left him.

"So here's the deal," Pika said, "we've decided to take you home with us."

He stood up at hearing the news. "Wait, really? Wow, I never even asked, thank you so much!"

"That's not all though." Rai interrupted. " You're only staying with us till we find your parents."

"But, I don't remember them, I don't even remember what they looked like. Plus I told you, I'm a human. Or at least I was. Also, how is a guy with no memory of himself supposed to recognize his parents."

"Wow Rai, that's a good point." Said Pika sardonically, flashing a sly smile. "Oh well, I guess you'll just have to stay with us then." She knew he was going to say that.

"Well...I never though about it that way..." Replied Rai again in defeat.

"So it's decided! Your gonna come home to live with us!"

Pika and Rai helped the lost Squirtle to his feet and began to walk him home with little idea to how their parents will react, but hopeful for the future of their new friend.

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