○happy day○

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Jacks pov.

I woke up in Marks arms and sighed in content of where I was in life at the moment. For once I felt safe from the thoughts that always seemed to haunt me.

I saw his eye twitch and his lips curled into a pleasant smile. "I know your awake marki," i cooed, kissing his chin. He squeezed his eyes and chuckled, this day might be bearable.

Marks pov.

Jack kissed me on the chin and i almost imploded at the mass of cuteness lying on top of me. He smiled and i kissed his head gently as we got ready. He got up and he was in his hoodie and boxers, he's so cute though. He slipped on some jeans as i was still stuck in the star position in my bed, I felt a tug on my finger and i looked over to find jack "Cmooonnn. I'm so boorrreeedddd," he said needily. I smiled and shuffled out of bed, throwing on some jeans.

We walked down the hallway to find my mum and jack's mum talking as they were making breakfast. I smiled and so did jack at their new found friendship. "Hey mom, whatcha makin,"
"Oh hi honey. Put a shirt on mark, we have guests. And we're making some pancakes, English pancakes,"
"Just yer favourite jack eh?"
"Aww thanks mum," he kissed her on the cheek as me and my mum plated the food. We all sat at the table and ate the food. I held jacks hand under the table as he took his small bites. I knew he was struggling do Iv tried to make him feel safe.

After we ate we thanked our mothers and went to my room to play some games.

And for once it was a happy day.


Sorry for no updates recently. Depression has kinda hit hard and suicidal thoughts are runnin high. I just can't find a happy place. I'm alone again. I won't let it get in my way though. I'll try to update my other stories aswell.
Thank you so much for reading.
Buh bye.

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