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Lesson Three - Holidays

Trash Squad holidays are one of the many amazing parts of our trashy culture

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Trash Squad holidays are one of the many amazing parts of our trashy culture. There are five main holidays in The Trash Squad.

Warm Soda Day
July 28

Warm soda day, a day when you must only drink warm soda. Nothing else. You may eat whatever you like but only drink warm soda. If you don't adhere to this rule you will be slapped on sight. Make no mistake, the Yurio gods will find you and...





420 Day
April 20

This day is a grand day. A day where everyone can enjoy themselves. 'TIS A DAY FOR WEED TO BE SMOKED. Man or woman, black or white, young or old, even a wild Kalyn can smoke weed on this glorious day. On this festive occasion, we host a game. THE ANNUAL HIGH GAMES. It's when the squad rounds up the ten highest people to compete in ping-pong. The winner gets a sandwich and a pat on the back.

Potato Fest
November 3

Potato fest is the one day of the entire year that yurio lets his cat eat... you guessed it, a potato. Children go bobbing for potatoes and paint on them, adults can get some nice cold potato flavored alcoholic beverages, and there's even a potato sling shot for the older kids. Potato decorations line the streets as the entire squad sings the battle hymn of the potato. At the end of the night, Perry the Potato, the mascot of our major league ping-pong team comes out and makes a sandwich for the entire squad.

Go Eat A Boat Day
August 15

The squad tries to eat one giant boat. Usually they fail. SO WE BURN IT INSTEAD HAAHAHAHAHAHA. Aside from that insanity they provide refreshments and sell keychains for the young ones. It's tradition to wear a keemstar shirt and white pants incase you shart.

Shoot Your Neighbor Day
January 11

You get the idea.

Okay trash, that's all for this chapter. Now remember to always ask yourself, "is the meme dank enough?"

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