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Lesson Six - Initiation

 Everyone wants to be in the trash squad, but in order to make it here, you need to be god tier trash

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Everyone wants to be in the trash squad, but in order to make it here, you need to be god tier trash. This initiation will prove whether you belong here or not.

• duct tape
• IQ of a kindergartener

1. Take tape and apply loosely to front abdomen (keep tape in hands)
2. Stand in front of wall facing away from it
3. Smash back into wall and apply tape to wall.
4. Secure any loose tape, make sure you stay on the wall.
5. Congrats, you're part of the Trash Squad now

Back Up

If this task is too difficult for you, then you can just give me a high five. I need friends please just do this for me.

iM nOt LoNeLy YoU aRe

Okay trash, that's all for this chapter. Now remember to always ask yourself, "is the meme dank enough?"

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