Words Best Left Unspoken - Doctor Who

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Every miniscule whisper and every breath, every stroke of the brush as it drug along the surface of its fine canvas, every note and chorus gallantly weaving an imagine your mind.


Do me a favor, and if you already havent think about your life.

 just in a general sense.

I wont tell anyone about what i see, i promise.

let every memory flow steadily into your mind as you reminisce in contentment.

Hmm, aha! Found it!!!

Okie Schomkey Dokie

*Sounds of papers crumpling*

Wow, you really should organize your brain more often.

*a sudden thud, followed by a high pitched childish squeal echoes loudly*


*Papers crumpling*

You find youreself suddenly gazing at a white room, filled with a tidal wave of wads of paper, suddenly a gingery figure popping out of the middle of the stack, a wicked grin on her face.

Oh! Looks like your awake!

Good, lets get started!

Words Best Left Unspoken - Doctor WhoWhere stories live. Discover now