Who are you exactly?

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I wish he could understand.

i wish everyone could understand.

i wish everyone could understand me.

my pain, my misery, my curse.

my every fatal flaw and imperfection that chipped on the surface of the one smooth person i used to be.

i looekd at the man with pleading eyes, tears streaming at a breakneck pace, his petrifying gaze on me instantly seemed to harden, a measly breath coming out of my mouth instead of the well needed whimper that should have been able to claw its way out.

with a shudder , my body finally decided to take control, and quickly enforece my self established saftey measure.


within the next few seconds i slowly backed up against the metal wall mortified, my face suddenly whiter in pallor as my face turned ghostly white, slowly changing to an unhealthy shade of blue.

my body was very clever when needed.

unfortunatley, even the littelest of things can spark a dramatic overreaction, and as for this, this was in my defense called for.

at that moment, my body was quickly and might i add effectivley cutting off the oxygen from my blood flow, and within seconds i found my sight wavering as shouts and screams seemed to drown and echo as i felt my body sway slightly.

the end was near for me.

i gasped for bits of little breaths with grabby paws as i heaved in less and less air, hands touching my sides.

and that was it.

my mind was instantly on alarm and panic mode.

ad when i was near death , my mind was my best asset.

i usually didnt go down without a little fight, even though its not much most of the time, but i try.

my mind instantly buzzed as a wave of pure fear and rage shook through me, radiating off me like a tidal wave of built up emotions.

my body started to unhealthily buzz as the world around me seemed to buzz in a static like fusion, everything around me becoming one large blob of grey.

thoughts of possible escape route flashed in and out of my mind instantly as information flew within me like the river Nile.images and symbols seemed to invade my head as i felt myself shudder in a sudden anticipation as new waves of an oddly nice pain invaded my body.

words tried to hiss out of my mouth , but all that came was air and an unsettling hiss.

my mind flashed from idea to idea, each tossed away or thrown out as nothing seemed to help.

tears flew gently down my rosy cheeks as i felt my face turn an unhealthy color.

it was now or never.

But, as if my prayers for one single moment of sanity t arise, my mind seemed to quickly let go as a lulabye seemed to float out from my memories, into the strange area around me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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