I'm busy.. looking for weird.. stuff...?

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Doctors POV

GOOD MORNING PONDS! Took you long enough! Anyways, time and space, anywhere, so what do you say, we can go to Clom, the loevely brooother planet or Rexa-"

"Cant you just set it at random?" Amy asked, her facer wrinkled as she gave me a grouchy look, glancing back too see Rory trying not to be obvious about doing omething.

"Yeah, i can do that, but wheres the fun in th-AAATTTT!" a suddnt shake from the tardis interupted the end of my sentence as a sudden shudder rocked the 3 of us, Amy holding on tightly to the console just like Rory.

"Looks like its found us!" i exclaimed , grinning madly at Amy and Rory who were just looking at me with a face that mixed the feeeluing of friendly love but with the little tinge of i hate you.

I was well used to the odd glare by now, and was about to lasugh when a suddenly forcible jeer sent all 3 of us into a downwards spiral, all 3 of us loked wide eyed as we held onto the console in an attempt to keep us from hitting the ceiling.

"Doctoooooor Whats going on?!?!" Amy shouted as the tardis runbled, a quick nd sudden shake pushing her to the left causing her to squeak in surprise.

"Look, Pond, does it look like i know what im doing!?!" i asked incredulously, and with a sudden pop i felt the sudden gravity start to quickly tug us down to the flooor, all 3 of us landing bearly on the floor.

i grinned madly, hopping up, my smile wide as i went over to check the screen, my eyes wide as i lok at it, odd waves coming from here.

"Earth , 2000." i said and with a quick tug , Rory helped amy up, her quick glare was silently acknoledged as i rolled up the cuffs of my sleeves.

"YES!!" she shouted, cuaisng me to glance over to her with a cheeky grin, walking up to her, i bopped her on the nose, her flinching at the odd action.

"Well that , Amelia was your first mistake. Now come along Ponds!" i shouted, ignoring Rory's annoyed remark that it didnt work that way.

with a cheeky grin, as soon as i stepped out of the tardis, i whipped out my handy dandy sonic screwdriver.

"was that supposed to look cool?"Amy asked me with a smug grin , causing me to frown at her, closing my sonic.

"Shut up, im busy... loking for weird.. stuff." i manged to say, and with that , i continued to scan the area.

after a bit of scanning i huffed.

"Doctor." Amy said, but i was to busy to really care.

"Not now Pond, im busy." i said in remark, pressing the button on my sonic screwdriver to reseacrh as suddenly, my sonic wasnt picking up a single signal.


"I said not now!"

"Doctor!!!" Rory shouted and with that i turned around to see Amy pointing to something next  to the tree a few meters away.

"I think i found it."

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