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All of my miserable life,. and agonising childhood i have been hated.

You name it, i dealt with it.

From Poking to Punching, from Teasing and Taunting to trauma and pain

All of my life, i have been mocked, bullied , abused Etcetra etcetra etcetra.

Sure, i may be colorblind and Mute , and sure i may be laughed at and made fun of, but that doesnt mean that i dont have feelings.

Im as much of a being as you are.

But, aparently that doesnt matter to some.

Only the factor of seeming inhuman.

They are Vultures.


my measly legs pumped painfully as i ran , stumbling as i tried my best to dodge the immenent death that kept hurtling at me with furious speeds, so fast it was only a blur.

my mouth gasped for air as immediatley, i knew it was game over, as the roughly round surface collided with my gut, all air quickly shoved out of my lungs as i gaped as i felt myself being slung in slow motion as the force propelled me backwards.

With a deafaning thud, my back slammed against the blue padding that covered the climbing wall and its scaly and rugged bits that protrude awkwardly off from the wall, jutting out in random shapes.

Let me give my personl welcome.

Welcome to gym class.

the shrill ringing of the whistle semmed to quiet down the rowdy chanting of my enemies as they whistled and hollered on as my attacker kept advancing, his large boxing gloves held firmly in position in front of his face as he sidestepped and with a quick jab, i felt my teeth bite my tongue and the steady flow of the liquid that tased like iron slowly seep into my mouth , as if it wasnt obvious enough, i am bleeding.

 "Break it up, BREAK IT UP!" The Gym teacher bellowed, his chest heaving as he struggled to settle the dispute at hand, and with a deep breath, i covered my ears just in time to dull the high pitched whistkle that seemed to rock the foundation of the school, followed with an echoing silence.

He glared at me, a grim forwn spread across his face as he continuously glared at me as he hepled up his star wrestler, wipping off the 'dust' off of his clothes, shoving him along and walking as the rest of the class dispersed, and with a last evil eye at me , he kept talking to Joe, my assailant and kept pumping him up for tonights game, his evil glare impressed in  my mind.

With steady breaths, i slowly inched over to the wall, and bearly was able to grasp the wall for the least speck of support as my ribs wailed in sheer pain my breaths labored as every inhale and exhale tested my ability to tolerate pain.

with a limping , i slowly was able to get out of gym in one piece.

I was overjoyed when the last bel rang, i quickly swiped up my backppack, cringing as it rest upon my lesser pained shoulder , and with an odd waddle, i began my walk home.

the cold brezze nipped at my pale skin, oras i was told by others, my body shivering unvoluntearily as i ziped up my worn out sweater that i managed to steal from the lost and found, the once fuzzy lining now a dull frizz as it was al i had to protect me against the harsh wintery winds.

Like most people, i should be happy to get home, free from every last bit of treachery.

Guess everyone must hate my guts then.

My foster parent Brian, is the local alchaholic and local drug king of the entire drug smuggling fiasco that somehow seemed to elude the attention of the local authorities.

A shiver of fear laced up and down my spine as past memories slowly leak into my vision, and with a terrified gulp, and a few sticatto breaths , i quickly hurried , glancing around nervously for any local audiences that may be attending an unscheduled show if my bullies decied today was a good day, which was highly unlikely due to the huge wrestling match against our biggest rivals.

my feet seemed to buckle out from under me as i glance up to see Joe glancing at me with an evil grin, his usual posse slowly aproaching from beind me and trapping me into my surefire last stand.that would be , IF i could even stand right now.

he cracked his knuckles , chuckling as he ses me start to shiver, glancing back to his pals with a wicked grin across his face.

"Looks like the Reatard has nothing to say?" he asked, his face shoved in front of mine, causing me to shake my head, my body shiver as the layer of utter fear slowly sunk my bits of diminishing courage as the group slowly aproached.

a sickening crunch came from my chest as a quick slug from Joe sent me hurling back into the brick wall of the local grocers store, my eyes wide as i felt the pure pain spread speedily through my body as the sickening crack rung out quietly as i hit the brick wall, my eyes wide as a quick tug on the collar of my shirt had my hung by my neck, Joes fist scrunched tightly around the colar of my shirt.

I glanced up miserably at the groupof 5 that wasgrinning madly at me as they watched in pure glee as i slowly withered into the fragile butterfly i always was.

i quickly assumed my urtle position as i felt the quick barrage of kicks and punches , my mouth opening to ascream but no nouise coming out asi felt the tearing of my skin as Joey slowly , and painfully tugged his switchblade on my skin, the group grinning even more in pure satisfaction.

i clucthed my hand tightly to the wound that quickly found itself buzzing, a sudden odd feeling buzzning through my body as seconds ticked by.

i felt a tiny squirm of hope surge in my chest as the blaring of police sirens echoed loudly, senind the group of attackers scattering as the red and blue lights followed as the sirens blared.

my sparkle of hope quickly dimiinishing as the sirens pased by, luckilly they didnt come back for me.

thank goodness.

with an unsteady swaying,i found myself grabbing my more valubale items to myself, my journal, my gel pen, and my colored pencils, and quickly hobbling off to find a proper refuge.

everyone around here knew me, but they just watched and snickered as they watched my pain, enjoying it as if it was some sort of twitsed soap opera.

with every step, i felt my body shut down in utter exhaustion and the feeling of death becoming welcome with open arms as i realised that every speckle of hope had been gone for a long time.

i staggered, almost drunkenly as tried my best to go to the palce where i would hope to be found the next day, smiling peacfuly as i lay there dead, my feet jiggling as i crossed the rod and waddled upo to my favorite tree in the park.

at that exact moment, as i was about to colappse, i found myself looking at a box, an impossibly unreal box.

Echoes and whispers seemd to try there best to comfort me for an odd reason, seemingly reassuring as i staggered with the last of my strength.

the amazing sound seemed to suddenly stop, and the last thing i saw was the door of the box opening, falling to the ground, defeated.

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