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Song: Hot Stuff- Donna Summer

"Ah, hot stuff. You're always the one to 'coincidentally' drive the car I'm in." I let out a small giggle and patted hot stuff's shoulder. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you got a thing for me."

Hot stuff let out a sigh and glanced at me in the mirror. "Miss. Bell, I would suggest you keep quiet. You're already in a lot of trouble."

I folded my arms across the open window, letting me see the front part of the cop car. Hot stuff was sitting in the passenger's seat while another cop was driving the car. Why did I call him that? Well, hot stuff fit him perfectly. He had the perfect messy blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin, and his body was practically crafted by God himself. The way his officer shirt stretched tightly over his biceps was enough to make every girl stare at him with heart eyes and drool running down the side of their mouth.

"Trouble is my middle name, hot stuff." I winked, and he sighed. "Speaking of, you and I could make some trouble together."

I winked again, and hot stuff pinched the bridge of his nose. He stayed silent for a moment before he turned half way in his seat and stared at me. My smile grew bigger, and I could tell he was holding in another sigh.

"You need to be quiet, young lady. Wait until you see who is coming."

"Who's coming? My family doesn't care."

"We called your mother."

I dramatically gasped and placed the back of my hand against my forehead, acting as if I was fainting. I stared at hot stuff with fake wide eyes. "Oh no, not my wealthy, conceited bitch of a mother! What ever shall I do!?"

I stayed serious for a moment, while hot stuff looked at me with a dry look, and then I busted out laughing. Hot stuff rolled his eyes, and we pulled into the police station. The other guard hopped out of the car and grabbed me, and hot stuff followed behind us. Once we were in the station and the other officer started to take me towards my cell, I glanced over my shoulder at hot stuff and winked.

"See ya later, hot stuff!" He shook his head, and I chuckled as the guard placed me in my cell. He took my cuffs off and let out a sigh as he walked out of the cell and locked it.

"Welcome back, Miss. Bell." He muttered, and I chuckled again as he walked away. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling, throwing the bouncy ball in my pocket up and down. I hummed a song quietly, waiting for the complaining I knew would come.

"I'm here. What did Kara do this time?"

Ah, there it is.

I rolled my eyes as I continued to throw my bouncy ball and listened to the cop go over what happened with my mother. I could hear her sigh numerous times, and they weren't sighs of exhaustion, they were sighs of irritation. You see, my mother had a problem with anything that involved me. She only cared about how I could get money and how I could benefit her campaign, which was never, thanks to my reputation.

...Did I forget to mention she was mayor of the town?

So, to conclude, my mother didn't really care what I did or when I did it. All she cared about was keeping me behind the scenes so her life seemed perfect. She had to have every piece perfection could offer-- perfect body, perfect smile, perfect campaign, perfect friends, perfect husband (although, that one didn't exactly work out that well because no man could stand to be with her for more than twenty-four hours), and most of all, perfect life without her imperfect, bad daughter.

I really lived the life.

Another officer led my mother to my cell, and he unlocked it before walking away. Mom stood on the outside with her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at me.

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