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Song: All Night- R5

It was no surprise when I woke up to a silent (and completely empty) house the next day. There was no trace of life besides me, no note, no anything. Just me, and my huge, lonely room. Most parents would leave their child a note, or send them a text when they leave before their kid is awake, but not my mother. She leaves for months without a single message to let me know I'll be alone for a while.

Yeah, this life is pretty great.

None of that matters, though. I don't need her to be here criticizing me for the way I dress or for having my music too loud. All of this freedom is amazing. And trust me, everyone loves freedom, but nobody loves lonely freedom. Not even me. Shocked to know that? Then let me be the the first to shut you down. I'm a bad girl. But I'm also human. Humans feel. Just because I'm on the wrong side of the pure scale doesn't mean I am an emotionless succubus.

So, not to anyone's surprise, I got ready for school with my music blaring and wearing whatever the hell I want. I didn't need no parent here to kiss my cheek and say goodbye as I walked out the door for school. I didn't need anybody to hold my hand and walk me through life.

Once I was ready, I turned everything off and locked up the house before walking to Landon's house. Don't ask me how I knew where he lived, because that would be too long of a story to explain now. Not only that, but I don't need a recap of the bad memories from that night.

I opened his white wooden gate and walked up the stairs, plopping down on the rocking chair beside the window. Kudos to his parents; they definitely knew how to make a front porch feel like a real home.

No later than five minutes, Landon walked out the door in all of his good guy glory. I had to admit, he made the good guy persona work. Plus the glasses sitting on the tip of his nose made him that much more attractive. It's almost a shame that he wants to be bad. A good guy like him could have the whole world in the palm of his hand and he wouldn't even have to ask.

When his eyes landed on me, they crinkled the slightest, and his glasses lifted on his nose. "How did you know where I lived?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but he cut me off before I could get a word out. "Oh, wait. That was rude. Hey, Kara." He smiled, "How do you know where I live?"

I chuckled and stood up from the walking chair. We walked down the steps and out the gate, and Landon locked the latch before facing me. I started walking down the sidewalk, and he walked beside me.

"Always the good guy, Landon. All that changes today." I shot him a smirk, and his cheeks tinged pink. "And as for your question, that is a topic to be discussed in the future. Right now, we have bigger obstacles to worry about."

"I guess I can live with that. Where do we start?"

"We'll start with a few attitude things, but since this is the first day, we'll start with your wardrobe." I glanced over at him, taking in his outfit. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a gray jacket over it that read "Parker Auto Body", and a pair of faded denim jeans, paired with beat up tennis shoes. It honestly wasn't that bad. Landon's outfit gave the vibe that he was a hard working guy, and it was admirable. I almost told him not to change it, but he wants me to help him change. As much as I want to be against it, I can't go against his wishes. So, I respond with, "If you want to fit in with Aleck and Zach, you gotta have the look they wear almost all the time."

He slowly nodded as we rounded the corner leading to the school. "Makes sense. We can go today after school if you're free."

"Sounds good, champ."

Landon let out a chuckle and shot me a questioning look. "Champ?"

"Yeah. Once I'm done with you, a champ is what you'll be." I shot him a wink as we walked through the main doors of school. "Go have fun in AP Calc. I'll see you in sixth."

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