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Song: Traitor- Olivia Rodrigo

The ride home was anything except comfortable.

Landon was let off easy considering it was his first time being booked. The guards decided he didn't deserve to face the wrath of my evil mother, so they let him go right before she arrived. I, on the other hand, wasn't as lucky.

I knew a storm was brewing as soon as we got in the car. Mom never said a single word to me. She didn't lecture me on making reckless decisions, or judging my choices, but I could tell by the way her jaw was ticking and the way her professionally done acrylic nails dug into the steering wheel that she was saving her pent up anger for when we got home, where nobody could witness the real her.

As soon as we pulled into the driveway, mom zipped out of the driver's side, her Louboutin heels clicking obnoxiously against our driveway. With a huff, I crawled out of the car and walked through the front door, attempting to head for my bedroom, but the devil decided it wasn't time for me to disappear just yet.

"Come back here, young lady." She hissed, and with a sigh, I made my way into the living room where she was standing, her botoxed face trying its best to glare, while her hands dug into her hips. "Take a seat."

"I'd rather not."

"Fine, don't sit. But you will listen. This is the last straw, Kara Bell. I have been to that jail way too many times to waste my money bailing you out. If you wouldn't be such an immature, reckless little child, I wouldn't have to feel embarrassed by the thought of involving you in my campaigns. It's absolutely absu--"

"Let me stop you right there, mother." I glared, holding my hand up. "I never asked you to use your precious money to bail me out. I didn't need you for that, and I sure as hell don't need you for anything else. And the only reason I'm reckless is because I never had a parent who cared enough to raise me besides dad, but seeing as you ruined that, I had to teach myself everything about life. And for the last damn time, I want nothing to do with your stupid campaigns. You have your sugar daddy for that."

Mom's jaw dropped as her eyes flashed red. "How dare you! Everything I do is for you! I give you food, a place to live, the shoes on your feet and the clothes on your back, and you dare to talk to me like that!? I will not tolerate it!"

"Aw, are you mad because you had to use your multiple boyfriends' money to supply for your daughter? " I rolled my eyes. "I wish I felt bad about it."

I was completely taken back when mom's hand flew across my face. I gasped, clutching my cheek, as the sting brought tears to my eyes. I had tolerated all the verbal abuse from my mother, and I took it well, but she had never hit me as hard as she did that day.

"That's enough! You have been out of control for too long, and I'm this close to shipping you off to boarding school!"

"That would be the icing on the cake, wouldn't it?" I growled, glaring at her. "You would be able to fool around with Kevin whenever you wanted!"

"Kevin has been nothing but good to us! Half of the clothes in your pathetic closet are from his money! You need to appreciate him!"

"Bullshit. The only man I'll ever respect is my father. Dad gave you everything, and you threw it away to fool around like a teenager. At least dad and I have morals!"

Mom gripped my shoulders tightly, digging her fake nails into my skin. "Your father ruined this family! He deserves nothing from me!"

"Dad held this family together!" I screamed, the tears finally releasing from my eyes as I pushed her off of me. "You were the one who cheated! You were the one who let dad see you fooling around! All dad ever did was love you and care for you, and you had to screw it up because all you care about is money! As long as you have money, the only thing you worry about is yourself! You're the one who destroyed this family, mom. Not me, and especially not dad!"

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