Part 1

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Regina won't come until chapter 2
Emma's P.O.V
    Today was the day that everything changed, my best friend Ruby chose the new girl Kathrine over me. She threw our whole friendship to a person who will give her popularity. Oh and did i mention that Rudy was absolutely obsessed with gaining popularity. Ever since we were kids that was the only thing she would talk about, she finally got the popularity she got.
    I hear my alarm go off and my mom will come into the room in 3,2,1. She starts yelling in the most caring way," Emma get you ass about of bed. If you don't your brother Henry will eat all the bacon!" I groan and say," OK mother don't need to yell it's only 6 in the morning ." She laugh and walks away probably going to Henry's room doing the same.I dreaded to go to school. I will have to face Ruby one way or another.
I walked to school and saw Ruby at her locker. I walked up to her thinking that we can restore our friendship.When I got there she said," Never talk to me again. I have a new best friend ok" She walked away and went to Kathrine. They both looked at me and rolled their eyes at me. I went to the bathroom and cried my eyes out. I decided that i am not in the state to be in school. So I walked home and cooled off.  When I got there my mom asked me why i was home so early . I can't lie to my mom so I told her the truth. She said that she understood me. I told her that i would go to school tomorrow. She said ok and I went upstairs to my room. That night i vowed to myself that I wont waste my time on her and that there are other people  who will treat me right.
It was around 3 in the afternoon when my mom walked into the room. My mom said, " Hey sweetie, so today is Thursday." Damn I thought to myself. Every Thursday ever since we were kids we had dinner with them. My mom broke me out of my thoughts by saying," Emma do you want me to cancel it?"  I thought for a second and said," Mom it's fine but is it okay that I bring my food up here. I don't think that I will be comfortable down there. Don't worry next Thursday i will be down there." " Ok and i won't tell Ruby's mom about what happened." " Thank you mom"
Ruby and her mom came over i said hi to her mom. I told them that i wasn't felling well and I went upstairs. About 30 minutes later Ruby come into my room. She looked at me for a second and started telling me a story of how the cutest couple in school broke up. In my mind I was thinking what the hell is she doing here. Did she just get into a coma and forget everything she said to me at school. I finally go the courage to speak," Ruby what the hell are you doing here." In her yes i saw a flash of confusion in her eyes. What the hell is she thinking she broke me out of my thought,  Well i'm here to talk to you Em" Anger grew inside me ," What the fuck Ruby. At school you told me to never talk to you again. When you get to my house you act like nothing happened. It's obvious that you chose popularity over me. So I will grant you're wishes Ruby. I will never talk to you again. I hope you have a nice life now you got popularity.
The next day I woke up feeling great. I don't know it's because i got all my anger out last night. I decided that i would be wearing a dress today. I got changed and went downstairs. I ate a quick breakfast and headed to school. I opened the school door's and immediately saw Ruby and Kathrine. I felt Ruby starring at me but I just ignored her. I was walking to my first period when someone bumped into me. I looked up saw a beautiful girl. There were no words that could explain how beautiful she was.

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