Chapter Three-The Queen Of All Bitches

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Chapter Three-The Queen Of All Bitches

English was let out very soon since Claire and I had arrived so late. My next class was French. It was my first year taking it since this school required you to take two years of the same language.

I didn't really want to do Spanish, not that I have anything against it, and the only other thing that seemed easy was French, so that's what I chose.

I was able to pick my classes before we moved. I guess that's good, but then again, it's not because I didn't want to move in the first place.

I looked at my schedule and saw that the room number was 129. The good thing about this school was that the numbers were easy to sort instead of being all over the place. 100s were on the first floor, 200s were on the second floor, and 300s were on the third floor. The single digit numbers were down in the basement.

Claire had explained this all to me during the ten or fifteen minutes we had left of English.

I walked all the way down to the far end of the first floor and suddenly heard a loud crack.

"You little whore, don't look at my boyfriend again." A snarky female voice growled.

I peeked around the corner and saw a very skimpy blonde glaring at a smaller girl who's eyes looked completely lifeless.

The blonde was acting like a complete bitch. Did she seriously just smack her? I don't even see a guy in sight.

"He's mine, you got that? I won't be competing with some lowlife like you, not that you're much competition, but still," The blonde sneered.

I stepped around from the protection of the wall and called the bimbo out.

"Hey, leave her alone." I said.

The blonde turned around and raised her eyebrows at me.

"You got something to say, bitch?" She snarled.

"You're the bitch. Leave the girl alone. There isn't any guy in sight so how could she be looking at your boyfriend?" I snapped.

Back in North Carolina I was friends with the popular girl but not close friends. She was civil and wouldn't scream at people. She just held herself in a way that made it look like she was higher than everyone else but that was about the only thing that needed fixing. She wasn't a bitch and I enjoyed talking to her. If only this chick could be the same.

I sighed.

I really wished I was back in North Carolina. I miss being with all my friends. I miss my old school and how all the teachers were nice and liked to joke around.

"Get your nose out of where it doesn't belong." She glared at me.

"It concerns me and everyone else in this damn school when you start bulling and assaulting people, leave her alone." I repeated.

The girl was slowly edging away from the blonde.

The late bell had rung already, so the blonde, the other girl, and I were the only ones in the hallway.

Of course I'd be late to my second period class as well. What a great way to start off the year at a new school.

"I'm guessing you're new. So I'll give you the heads up now. I run this school, not you. I'm Summer Mathews, the Queen Bee and you'd better get used to it. I don't take shit from people as low as you. What I say, goes. Are we clear?" She pursed her perfectly heart shaped lips.

"I don't take orders from people, especially if they're bitches." Is all I say before walking away and finding my French class.

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