Chapter Nine-Mr. Player Took Me Out For Lunch

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Chapter Nine-Mr. Player Took Me Out For Lunch

"Class is dismissed." The Sergeant said as the bell rang and I happily gathered my things as everyone started to disperse from the room.

"Ready?" Cassius came up to me and I suddenly remembered that I was going out to lunch with him.

Like on a date.

No! Not on a date just as peers!

"Yeah." I said.

I was extremely hungry since I didn't eat breakfast because I didn't have time this morning. I got up late and had to rush around so I didn't miss the bus.

He guided me to his car after I said farewell to Anna who gave me a very confused and angry look when she saw me with Cassius.

I told her I'd explain everything when I got back to which she didn't have any time to respond because I ran after Cassius who was rude enough to keep walking. Guys, I'll never understand them.

When we came to his car, which looked really expensive, he opened the passenger door for me. Something deep inside me fluttered and melted. Warmth coated my cheeks.

My boyfriend, Jake, never did that for me. I don't know why, he just never did.

Speaking of Jake, he still hadn't Skyped me.

I frowned.

Maybe he was busy with work and school. I hope he's doing ok.

"You ok?" Cassius asked me as he got in the drivers seat, noticing my scrunched up face.

"Yeah, fine." I replied, trying to relax.

I'm sure he's ok, Leah. He probably has a lot on his plate.

But what if Courtney could possibly be right? What is he was cheating on me with Amanda?

No that's silly. Neither of them would do that. Jeez Leah, how stupid are you going to be? You and Jake have been together since Freshman year, you know he'd never do something as low as that. Like I said, he's probably busy with everything he has to do. He also has to take care of his sick Aunt.

But what was he doing so close to Amanda? Was Courtney just trying to have another reason for hating Amanda? She never liked her from the beginning. Neither liked the other. No reason, they just didn't get along.

"Leah." Cassius dragged out my name, successfully pulling me out of my thoughts.

He was standing outside with my side of the door and I was still buckled in, deep in thought.

"Uh, yeah?" I asked, still a little bewildered at where I was.

"We've arrived. Are you sure you're ok? You're looking a little pale. I could drive you home?" He offered.

"No that's ok, I'm fine." I shook my head.

I got out of the car and Cassius shut my door.

I looked up at the cozy, brown, wooden building standing in front of us. Right, Cassius was taking me out to lunch since I forgot mine at home.

The sign on the too of the building read 'Headstone Cafe' in cursive black letters.

"That's an unusual name for a cafe. Isn't a headstone the thing you put on someone's grave?" I asked.

"Yeah, the woman who owns it isn't exactly in the right state of mind." He replied.

"It's cute. I like it. Do you know the owner?" I wondered, looking up at him.

He was a couple inches taller than me so I had to tilt my head a bit to see his face.

"Yeah, she's my grandmother." He brightens, his eyes lighting up.

He must really care for her.

I didn't know how to reply to that.

"Oh, that's cool" was my brilliant response.

When we went in and were seated at a table near the back, a petite waitress came over to us. She was extremely pretty.

"Hello, my name's Millie, welcome to Headstone Cafe! What can I get you today?" She batted her eyelashes at Cassius.

The waitress seemed to be trying her best to ignore me.

I scowled.

So that's how it's going to be?

Cassius looked at me as if silently telling me to order first. Such a gentleman.

"I'll have the grilled chicken wrap with a Pepsi and a water." I spoke through gritted teeth, burning holes into the side of her pretty little face with my eyes.

She refused to look at me. Finally, when she did, it was only to glare at me.

After Cassius ordered, the waitress gave him a flirtatious smile and turned with a sway of her hips after giving me a small sneer in my direction without Cassius knowing.

Cassius ha the audacity to smile back at her before she left.

What a jerk!

"I'm going to laugh so hard when you fall for a girl. I hope to god she doesn't like you so you'll feel the pain that you put every girl through with your little games." I told him with a shake or my head, a smirk on my face.

"Sorry, once a player, always a player. I'll never fall in love." He smiled brightly.

"The right girl will come and it'll be the best moment of my life." I argued.

I don't know why I was acting this way. What did I care? I have a boyfriend and I'm happy with him.

"Nope, I love having many girls surrounding me. That's my kind of lifestyle." He sat back comfortably in his seat with satisfaction on his face.

Ugh, he's so aggravating!

Before I could stop myself, I said the thing that was the most terrible mistake of my life, "Oh yeah, well I have a game for you Mr. Player and I think you'll loose terribly. Let's sweet talk. Let's play fight. Let's talk 24/7. Let's tell each other hello and good night everyday day. Let's take walks together. Let's give each other nicknames. Let's hang out with each others' friends. Let's go on dates. Let's talk on the phone all night long......and whoever falls in love first, looses." I challenged him.

His eyebrows raised and he leaned forward.

"Oh Miss Colmes, you're in for a big surprise because I don't love. Challenge accepted." He said, smirking.

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