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Nixie's POV
I'm taking my little girls out to a café down the road, because they are hungry and I can't be bothered cooking today and I need a good coffee because I was up most of the night with Octavia, she's teething so her gums and stuff are sore and I need to buy her a few things, like nappies and baby wipes, all us got changed, I got Octavia in her pram and I grabbed Italias hand, we crossed the road and walked towards the café, we walked inside, I ordered the food and walked to a table, I sat Italia with her juice, I sat across from her, the food got put down, I cut her pancakes in fours for her, I got Octavia out of the pram and sat her on my knee, I started eating

"Nixie," someone said, I looked up to see Luke, my eyes widened

"Hey," I said in a shaky voice

"What are you doing here I thought you were in Australia," he said

"Um plans changed and I have done what's best for me and my family," I said, I stood up and gave him a one-armed hug

"Ah ok," he said nervously, we just looked at each other

"Mum" Italia said

"Yeah sweetie," I said, still looking at Luke, he looked shocked when she said, mum

"I'm finished my food can we go to the park," she said, I looked at her

"I don't know I have to get stuff for your sister," I said, she got sad

"Ok," she said sighing, she played with her fingers

"I could take her I mean she does know me and the boys are waiting for me there," Luke said

"You would?" I questioned

"Yeah I would" he smiled

"Thanks, I'll say yes Italia did you hear that," I said, she smiled wide, she grabbed Luke's hand

"Come on Luke let's go," she said

They walked out, I mouthed thank you to Luke and set for the shops, when I got everything, I set towards the park, when I got there I saw Italia running around with the boys, I got Octavia out of the pram, she was getting grumpy being stuck in there, I got close to the park

"Mum!" Italia shouted she ran towards me

"Hey," I said, I bent down, she hugged me

"You having fun," I said

"Yeah can I push Octavia in the swing," she said

"Ok" I said, she grabbed my hand, I put her in there, she pushed her softly, she was giggling smiling and clapping, I waked and sat on the swing next to it, I looked to see the boys laughing at something, I sighed, I looked over at my girls, Octavia looked tired so I went and grabbed her dummy and her blanket, I picked her up out of the swing gave the dummy to her and held her in front of me and put the blanket over her and held her, Italia hoped on the other swing, I went behind her and pushed her on the swing, she was laughing, I left her on the swing, I moved Octavia to a cradle position and wrapped the blanket around her more and started rock her a little and walking back and forth I started to sing 'Special by Six60' quietly to her, she fell asleep instantly, I walked to the pram and carefully put her in and buckled her in as well, Italia ran over

"You ready to go, sweetie," I asked, she nodded

"Go say bye ok" I said, she walked over to say goodbye, I lent on the pram and steered at Octavia, she's so small and fragile and I can't believe I had her never thought I would have a baby or adopt a child but now I can't imagine my life without them

"Nixie," a boy's voice said, I stood up and saw Luke standing there nervously with his hands in his pockets

"Yeah," I asked

"How old is she," he said, looking at Octavia

"Um Octavia is eight months old," I said looking down

"Is she- is Octavia mine?" he said, I looked up at him and nodded

"You had to do all this alone because I was a prick and ignored you," he said, getting angry at himself

"I'm fine I've always been alone I'm used to people leaving me I'm used to being second in everything It always been just me I find," I said, I grabbed Italias hand and pushed the pram and walked down the road home, I had tears coming down my face.

Luke's POV
I watched her walk away, I ruined everything

"What happened?" Jai asked the boys had walked over

"Octavia the baby she had is mine and I've  ruined everything we had," I said, running my hand through my hair

"Let's get home and talk about it more," James said, I nodded we headed home.

'I hope I can fix things'

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮 [𝟑] ▸ 𝘓𝘶𝘬𝘦 𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴Where stories live. Discover now