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*Four Month's Later*

Nixie's POV
Well I'll guess you'll want to hear what has happened well three months ago Jai and Aspen announced they were together again which is nice well me and Luke nah nothing there we don't talk to each other unless we have to, we had a giant fight and we be nice for Italia and Octavia, yes Luke said to Italia that he was her dad as well which is nice she's way happier and well today is Octavia's first birthday and we have the boys, Aspen, Gina, Italia and me for her birthday, it's all decorated outside with Aqua and dark blue streamers and White helium balloons on Dark blue ribbons and Aqua ribbons there's a Cake and it's designed as a big fish its chocolate and there are party poppers and hats were all going to wear for her and I still have my Polaroid camera so I'm gunna get photos from this and make a scrapbook out of the photos so she can see it when she's older Octavia about two months ago had a big growth spurt so she's bigger and she has learnt words and actions but sometimes she blabbers on and you don't know what's she's saying but it's cute coz sometimes she says something, then she'll look at you and do a cheeky smile and giggle also her hair has suddenly started to grow so it gets a little long and she bum shuffles around does not crawl and she's starting to stand holding things sometimes by her self anyway right now me Aspen, Gina, Octavia and Italia are out back waiting for the boys Gina's holding Octavia and Octavia is babbling away to her the boys finally came through

"I'll go get my camera," I said, I went upstairs and grabbed it came back down to Luke standing with Octavia standing between his legs I took a picture it popped out, I waved It around and it came through, I put them on the table I walked back over and crouched to her

"Hey princess," I said

"Hi mama," she said and done a cheeky smile, I laughed, I grabbed her and sat her on my hip

"Who's that," I said to her pointing to Luke

"Daddy," she said

"Hey princess," he said

Gina came and took Octavia and went to get her ready for cake.

Jai's POV
I looked to see Nixie and Luke arguing again, I got up and got grabbed Luke and pulled him beside Octavia in her chair

"Be nice?" I said to him and went back to my seat, I grabbed Nixie Polaroid camera and took photos of the cake, I got one of Octavia with cake all over her hands and around her mouth smiling really big we were all talking suddenly there was a crash we all stopped them

"Mum" we heard Italia scream, she came running out

"Mums on the ground and not moving," she said crying.

Nixie's POV
I was getting a drink from the kitchen because I was feeling a little faint suddenly, I got dizzy, I dropped the glass and fell backwards and I blacked out.

Luke's POV
I was hugging Octavia and Italia in the waiting room at the hospital waiting

"Nixie Williams" and female doctor said

"That's us," I said, she walked over

"Well I'm Dr.Grey and she's fine it's just she has been eating less food and Drinking less so her body was trying to fight to get itself working and it was not able to so her body shut down and that's why she fainted but she'll wake up soon and we'll keep her in overnight her room is level 4 room 109" she said, we thanked her and went up to her room we walked in to find her asleep we all sat around and talked till she woke up.

Nixie's POV
I woke up to a white room and fluorescent light on low, I saw Octavia Cuddled up with Italia on the couch and Luke with his head next to me on my bed his hair was in his face, I got my finger and moved his curly hair out of his face, he moved and slowly opened his eyes, he seen I was awake and shot up and hugged me, I hugged him back

"God you scared me" he mumbled

"Why would it scare you," I said, he pulled away and sat on the bed

"Because I still love you," he said, looking down

"I do too," I said, he looked up and smiled, I patted a spot beside me, he hoped in next to me, I lay my head on his chest and he held me tight soon we both fell asleep again.

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