Netflixs and clubs part2

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Ebony POV
I didn't have time for a shower Jason said we was leaving at 11:00 pm and it's 10:30 now. He told me to wear something light and not a lot,he said it's hot in this place so I took he's advice.
I had on high waisted blue shorts and that top that Harley Quinn had on in suicide squad that martina bought me. It was a crop top with long arms. My hair was half in a ponytail with a bandana and black converses. I left my makeup how it was today but I placed my mac red Matt lipstick on.
Ebony:jas I'm ready! I shouted from the stairs when I released that he was in the bedroom butting on he's black t shirt.
Jason:you look great.
Ebony:not to bad for a criminal.
Jason:ha ha real funny.
Ebony:you will get over it.
I walked out the room timing my self on the stairs again running to the car.
Jason followed not long after me I looked at him placing the gun at the side of he's jeans sitting in the car seat.
Ebony:than I'll ever be.
After 30 minutes of driving we pulled up to an abandoned building I was really confused like wasn't we going to party?
He smirked knowing what I was thinking he broke the silence first.
Jason:I'm gonna kill you...
Jason:haha did you see your face baby I would never kill you I promise I'm kidding it's just a underground rave.
I punched he's arm trying to hurt him but he only laughed when I managed to hurt my self on he's rock hard shoulders.
Ebony:why is it underground?
Jason:cops find it lets just say there's a lot of criminals and drugys lookin to have a good time.
I nodded jumping out the car Jason was beside me much taller than my self I felt safe with Jason like as if he was my own bodyguard.
We went through the old building and walked down the stairs the security guards looked abit nervous about Jason bieng there soon as the doors opened it was completely different from the building it was rave lights moving and it was dark unless the light flashed on you smoke was around people moving like animals dancing the music was alive and I loved it!
Without hesitation I ran in the ground and started wiggling and turning and dancing like a pro Jason joined me dancing beside me he was amazing like a street dancer he was in the beat like my self the music rolled down my hips making me smile and giggle.

It had been hours we was in here and hours of drinking I felt like a fish with the mount of vodka and shots that went at the back of my throught it was nothing to Jason he was like he had one drink were me I was like a tipsy giggling high school girl who discovered your granny's licker cabinet.
Jason went to get more drinks when this guy behind me starts dancing literally on my back he rolled he's hips against mine I was so drunk I didn't honestly care.
Jason POV
God she's got more will power than I thought she is a party animal! I walked over trying to hold the drinks with the ravers dancing like wild men I looked at Ebony to see a man dancing with her she was too drunk to care I was jealous and furious I picked up my gun and shot the guy strait for the head he felt limp on the ground you couldn't hear the shot with the music bounding the speakers. Ebony turned around and shrugged she thought he passed out ya passed out hehe!
Jason:what did he say did he touch you!
Ebony:na its coole ow daddy ow! Hehe that rhymed.
Jason:better take you home baby.
Ebony:aww no prwetty pwease. Hehe!
He was so cute she could barely stand up she was holding on to me I swept her off her feet pridle style she giggled holding on to my chest for support god did I live these moments. I walked to the door of the car to see Ebony singing some rave tune that was playing in the club. I sat her in the seat wilts I was on the drivers seat.
Ebony:I wanna watch beauty and the beast...
Jason:you need to go bed.
Ebony: aaaww no one likes a party pooper I wanna watch belle please you can watch it to!
I sighed how could I refuse a face like that.
He arrived at the house when Ebony stumble out the car but managed to get to the door I unlocked it heading in the living room wilts Ebony  washed her face. I turned on Netflix's turning on ebonys favourite movie beauty and the beast.
I sat on the seat taking my shirt off that smelt like ebonys perfume and drink. I sat on the seat waiting for Ebony to come.
Her hair was how she left it and she still had her top on with some pj shorts with dumbo in her arms.
She sat on the seat next to me using my legs to switch her up strait wilts she had her legs on the couch completely.
Half way through the movie Ebony was asleep I couldn't move other wise she would wake up I just opened my legs pulling her close to my chest were she could be comfy she let out a sigh rapping her arm around my chest wilts the other still on dumbo. I smiled giving her a kiss on the forehead to see her flicked her eyes a bit.
Ebony:thanks for tonight...
Jason:eny time baby.
I closed my eyes as did she letting myself going in a deep slumber with the one of my dreams...

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