Chapter 6 (How you meet)

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Harry:  It was your sixth year and what most people considered to be the most important year of your school career was off to a terrible start. You had woken up late on account of your friends not waking you, and missed breakfast. You ran through the shouting horde of people trying to get to your advanced potions class with the new professor ,but they had changed the classroom from years past. You tighten your scarlet and gold tie as you looked at your timetable for the classroom number. *Thump*

           “Ofph” you fell to the ground on your bum hitting your tailbone. Rubbing your back you whipped your head up to give the unobservant idiot a piece of your mind.

“ I..Im sorry I didn’t see you there,”        

Ron: It was the end of your sixth year and N.E.W.T. exams were right around the corner. Almost literally with the hall you were taking your exams in are literally the next door around the corner. While studying for your exam you run across a young ginger boy studying with two of his friends, the chosen one and the brain. As smart as the one is she never took the exam before, so you think maybe you could point out some tips on how to do well on the exam.

           “Hey, ginger. C’mer.” You wave to him. He looks around the points at himself. “Yes you.” You whisper-yell across the table. He picks up his scrolls and sits across from you.

           “Do I know you?”

“Not exactly. I’m Lavender’s cousin. She’s in your house. Our moms are twins.”

“Oh, so are you a pure blood like her? I mean i’m not one to care about a person’s status but it’s nice to get to know people.”

“Oh, uh i’m half blood.”

“That’s cool. So what did you want my attention for?”

“I wanted to help you because you seemed like you were struggling with your studies.”

“That obvious?”

You laugh. “Yeah, though to be fair they are extremely difficult.”

“Do you want some tips on what to study?”

Draco: It was your first year at Hogwarts and you were in awe of the castle. You step out of the Hogwarts express and board the boats that are to take you to your new home. Its freezing you thought, goose bump forming on your skin. You pulled your cloak over your shoulders and shivered. There was a boy sitting next to you in the boat his blonde hair slicked back, cheeks rosy from the cold, giving him the appearance of a little boy being forced to grow up.

           “You cold,” the boy spoke to you.

           “Yeah just a little,” you looked him in the eyes, they were a cold steely gray it almost made you shiver more.

“Are you excited?”

“Father said Hogwarts has gone downhill...” You gave him a solemn look before the continued “but I think with the right people it could be.... Interesting. Here take my cloak,” He said generously

“No, we’re almost to the castle, and I’m sure your parents wouldn’t want you getting a cold this early in the school year.“

“No, no take it, chivalry is still practiced in the Malfoy family.”

He draped the warm cloak over your shoulders and you smiled then looked at your feet for fear you looked like a firetruck. Little did you know he smiled back.  

Neville: There he was. As adorkable as always. He may not have been the most athletic, but he sure did know his Herbology. He was even better than that know it all Hermione Granger. Every day you stood next to him in hopes that he would say hi, little did you want for him to be forced to say hi. You knew being social wasn’t his thing, it wasn’t your either, but a greeting would be nice, right? Alone in your thoughts, you floated all da-

   “huh” you sucked in air quickly and shut your eyes as dirt flew through the air splattering your face and white shirt.

   “I'm sorry I didn’t see you there Y/N” reaching to brush off your shirt then stopping realizing he would be touching your chest, his neck, and ears red with embarrassment.

   “No, no its fine Neville, I shouldn’t have been standing behind you while you were re-potting mandrakes,” you responded quickly brushing the soil from your face and shirt. He gave a relieved crooked smile obviously relieved that you weren’t yelling at his unlike other girls would have done in your position.

   “Ummm., er Y/N you have dirt in your hair,”.

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