Chapter 19 (What annoys you about them)

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Harry: He constantly tries to take the take the blame for something he didn't do. The feeling of being 'responsible' for the bad things that happen at Hogwarts weighs him down emotionally. 

Ron: Putting off his homework until last minute annoys you so much. You know he's intelligent, and that if he just did his work, he would see that too.

Draco: You realize its how he was raised but he can be just blatantly rude to others sometimes, and it gets on your nerves.  

Neville: People just push him around and he does nothing to prevent it. You know he's not the kid of person to pull is wand on someone, but maybe if he did, just once, people wouldn't try to mess with him as much. 

Fred: He cant take a situation seriously, absolutely everything is a joke to him.

George: You love his jokes and pranks but he simply doesn't know when to stop sometimes.

Percy: He is always studying and you know his studies are important to him, but shouldn't you be too. He is older than you and you only have a little time left at Hogwarts with him, so in your mind you should be spending as much time together as possible.  

Oliver: Quidditch, he tried to once pushed off your anniversary  dinner so he could watch a Quidditch match with his mates. You know he loves the game but sometimes it feels like you relationship always takes a backseat.

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