Chapter 25 (Instrument you play)

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Harry: You first learned piano when you were 8 and it was your world for until you got your letter from Hogwarts. Then it slowly faded away but you hope you get back into it soon, it was a great way to release stress. 

Ron: In your school before Hogwarts they wouldn't allow girls to play drums in the band so you are mostly self taught. You love to feel the beat and let go of your pent up energy. 

Draco: Your parents forced you to take violin lessons from a young age because they believed in keeping you well rounded as a child and they thought the violin was the most beautiful of the stringed instruments. Eventually you realized that you were actually quite talented at it and stared to compose your own pieces.    

Neville: You were inspired by your favorite bands and learned the Acoustic Guitar from books and videos online. While you wouldn't call yourself a prodigy you had some natural talent, You also learned you could use your music and magic to help your herbs grow.   

Fred: The alto saxophone is your favorite instrument because of the jazzy sound and how you can manipulate the notes, your favorite song is the Introduction to the Cartoon Pink Panther.  

George:  You  play the Ukulele, it has such a unique sound to you and the song "Somewhere over the rainbow" holds a special place in your heart. 

Percy: In your opinion the flute is the most elegant of woodwinds. You like to play while you do your homework, it helps you concentrate. In fact some of your best work has come from an idea you had while playing in the middle of the night in the dark. 

Oliver: You cant figure out playing an instrument for the life of you. Though you have no instrumental talent you do have song lyrics coursing through your veins and write amazing ballads. 


I'm really truly back now, sorry I was away without an update for so long. As you know I was away for a sporting event (In which I placed fifth in the nation!). I will be going back to school soon, I have no clue as to why we go back so much earlier than others in my state but I go back the 22nd of August. Which means I have to have 5 essays done in time for the first day of school and I have about Five sentences done sooo.... I guess that's what I get for watching Netflix all summer,  Oh well, totally worth it. 

Thanks for dropping by,

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