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"What do you mean if I gave a shit about you. Joyce I do care about you" she says but I don't listen. "Do you know anything that's happening to me huh. Name one thing" I countered back and she took a step back in shock.

"Exactly. Simon knows more than you because he actually tried to talk to me. But no your never even home. Your always at Harry's fucking place doing god knows what. You don't even know that I've been with Stewart and his girlfriend the past few days. You don't know that Emily has been threatening me. You don't know anything" I yelled at Ashlee who stood there shocked. I didn't know what to do. All of them stood there shocked or with tears.

I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulders. I ran out of the flat. This is all I can do, run. Run until they give up. I can't deal with it anymore. I make it to the lift and press the lobby button. Before it closes I see a glimpse of Simon in between the lift doors as they close. I slide down the wall lifting my head up.

I can't do this. I need to leave. I need to go somewhere. As the lift descends down I think. Maybe I need to stay away for awhile. I'm just making things worse with everything.

Simons POV

Ashlee cried into Harry's arms as Joyce runs out. "This is exactly what I was worried about" I said to myself but Ashlee heard. "What do you mean" she asks choking on sobs. My anger boiled up just by looking at her.

"You. I told you. You didn't care for her and now look what fucking happened" I said angrily. She hides away tucking her head under Harry's arm. "Simon your scaring her calm down" Harry says comforting Ashlee. I just huff and run out of the flat.

I see a lift door close and I run full speed at it. I didn't make it. Before it closed I saw her. She looked so broken with tears running down her face. The lift doors fully close and it begins to move.

I think of a way. The stairs! I run in the direction of the stairs and open the door roughly. I run down the many stairs without falling.

I make it to the final bit and I see the glass door revealing the lobby. I ran to Sally at the desk. "Sally have you seen Joyce" I asked and she nodded sadly. I panicked. "Where is she please" I pleaded and her head gestured to the back.

I went to the back of her office to see Joyce sat on the ground cradling herself. "Joyce. Please talk to me" I said on the verge of tears myself. "Simon don't you see. I'm making everything worse. I just fought with my best friend and now they all probably feel bad for her and are mad at me" she said scooting farther away.

I caused this. I need to fix this. "Joyce nobody is against you. Me, Jide, Vik and Tobi are here for you. The others feel pity for Ashlee because we keep on blaming her. Joyce you still have me you never lost me" I said being cautious of Joyce.

"Simon I'm gonna ruin you. You deserve better than me. You all deserve better, all I do is run away from my problems. I might do it again" she said and I walked over to her slowly. "Joyce don't leave if that's what your thinking" I said pulling her into a hug right as I approached her.

"What's the point. Mom is leaving she is going back to America. I don't know what to do anymore. My friends hate me" her voice was so fragile that it hurt me to hear it. "Joyce" I said but she beat me to it. "Simon I can be with you guys anymore. Emily is threatening and who knows what she will do. Ashlee was all I had left and now she is gone too. Simon I love you so much but I can't live like this anymore. I'm staying one more week until Mom leaves. Then I'm gone" she tells me and I nod knowing I couldn't do anything about it.


One Week Later
Joyce's POV

I was currently in moms room helping her pack the last of her things. "Mom I'm gonna miss you" I tell her. I'm not gonna tell my mom about my plan to leave because I know that will affect her leaving.

"Joyce honey are you sure you and Ashlee will be okay here on your own" she asked after zipping up her last bag. "Mom don't worry we are fine. Me and Ashlee don't fight" I lied and she nodded rolling her bags. I followed her out of the room seeing all the boys and Ashlee out in the living room.

"Bye Ms. Borbon we all will miss you" JJ said while hugging Mom as did the rest of the guys. Simon was the last who gave Mom the biggest hug of all. "Bye Ms. Borbon it was a pleasure to meet you" he said pulling away.

"Bye boys. Bye girls I love you all" Mom said. We all were outside of her terminal. We all waved back as she turned around and walked away. I looked away to avoid the tears. I felt arms around me and I looked up seeing it was Ashlee. She looked at me giving me a sad smile. I shoved her arm off and walked back to the exit.

"Joyce wait. I'm your ride let's go" Simon said and I nodded. We got into his car and he didn't start the car yet which confused me. I looked up at him seeing him staring at me with a smile on his face. I laughed and poked his face making him jump. "Oh sorry did I stare" he stammered and I nodded continuing laughing. "I haven't heard you laugh in so long" he says whole heartedly.

"Oh come let's go stop being so um" I stop myself from saying it. I made the decision to leave already I can't have Simon messing it up. "Being so what" he asked with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and whined playfully "Simon stop let's go".

"Nope I'm not driving until you finish your sentence" he said leaning back in his chair while folding his arms. "Ugh fine I was gonna say stop being so cute you little shit" I said. He nodded smiling like an idiot and started driving.

I get back to the flat and I run to my room. I already texted Maria to come pick me up at 3:30 and right now it is currently 3:15.

The flat was currently empty because everyone was over at the boys place so I grabbed a large backpack and open my closet. I grab as much clothes that can fit in the backpack as well as two pairs of shoes. I then put my charger and headphones and throw them in as well. Before I leave I look around the room. I grab a piece of paper and write a note to them.

I place it on the kitchen table. I look around the flat once more remembering all sorts of memories. "Goodbye" I say out loud before shutting the door.

I see Maria waiting in the lobby so I run up to her. "Joyce who's your new friend" Sally says and I freeze. "Sally this is Maria. Sally I need to tell you something. I'm leaving for I don't know how long. Don't tell Ashlee or any of the boys please. Sally this is for my own good so please I can trust you right" I said quietly to Sally. "Okay. Yes you can trust me I won't tell. You be safe out there okay" she says grabbing my hands and I nod. "Bye Sally" I say and she waves.

"Why did you want to leave. I mean of course you can live with us but was the problem that bad" Maria says once we get into the car. I've already told Maria everything and she flipped. "Maria please. I can't talk about it today. Don't worry I will tell you soon" I say and she nods in defeat driving away from the tower.

Oh. Shit

J.B x

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