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an: i know i only just started this yesterday, but i'm just in a very writey(?) mood right now. updates for right now will be all over the place. i'm not very good at keeping up a schedule, but i hope that's okay. anyway, this is a bit longer than the last chapter, so hope you enjoy.

i couldn't stop thinking about phil all week. i had never properly talked to him before, except maybe once or twice, but lara had been the one to strike those up. i had only ever talked to him when i ordered and when i was leaving.

although, it was nice to be able to have someone new to talk to. his personality was so sweet and i loved his slightly more innocent sense humor, compared to mine. he was quirky, but i thought it was cute.

every time i thought of him i got this weird, but good, feeling in my stomach and i wasn't sure what to make of it. was i actually crushing on him? maybe...

i walked down to the corner, past the beautiful cherry blossom trees that were just starting to bloom. they were always my favorite; they were so beautiful. spring was my favorite time of the year because everything is so beautiful. all the plants and hibernating animals are waking up from there sleeps.

it's like a new beginning. everything's starting out new, as if they were taken from a dark, horrible world, and reborn into this new world of happiness, and love. kind of like me, i like to think.

when i was about 16, i struggled a bit with depression and anxiety. i still do, but after i got quite a lot of help everything seemed a bit easier, and i learned that there's so much more to the world; it's not just sunshine and rainbows all the time.

i looked up when i arrived at the coffee shop, as it was saturday and lara was back in london. i walked in, and noticed lara and phil talking, as she was ordering. i couldn't help but notice that when phil looked up at me, since there's a bell on the front door, his deep blues eyes lit up; the butterflies came back.

"hey, dan! the usual?" phil asked.

"um, no actually. i think i'll try the hazelnut mocha today. i'm not very hungry, and not in the mood for a vanilla latte, right now."

"okay, one hazelnut mocha, coming up!" he said in a very enthusiastic voice. "so, how was your week?" he asked, handing me my coffee. lara had already sat down on one of the cream colored sofas by the windows.

"okay, i guess. lara's back, as you know.  my mom called the other day. ugh, she's so annoying sometimes. always asking if i've found someone yet. i keep telling her i haven't, and probably won't for a while, but she just won't shut up." phil chuckled.

"yeah, my mom's the same. has been since i was in high school."

"well i'm gonna go sit with lara. it has been a week since i saw her." i said, standing up.

"enjoy the coffee, dan!" he called back.


"hey!" i said, sitting down on the chair across from lara.

"hey. so sorry i couldn't come last week. it must've been nice without me blabbing on about god knows what."

"no, no you're fine. it was your birthday after all. also, i quite like our conversations. who cares if you blab on. it's always something interesting. speaking of, how was your birthday?" i asked, trying to start up a conversation.

"great! i saw everyone. my parents threw me a surprise party. leila, katie, drew, robbie, and moyra were all there. it was nice to reunite with them again. i haven't seen them since school, since ya know i moved here right after i graduated." lara talked and talked, but ibdidn't hear half of it; i kept finding myself looking at phil.

his deep blue eyes that sparkled whenever the sun hit them, his pitch black hair that fell over the right side of his face, his curiosity-

"dqn?" my thoughts were suddenly interrupted by lara waving her hand in my face. "are you even listening to me?"

"yeah, yeah. i just got a bit distracted."

"are you alright? you seem more than just a bit distracted. what's going on?"

"nothing." i lied.

"no, something's wrong. dan, you know you can tell me anything. we're best friends."

"it's just-last week phil and i started talking, since you weren't here." i said lowering my voice. "and, i don't know. i learned a lot about him and i think i might have a bit of crush on him. i can't get him out of my head." i said. i knew i wasn't going to win  against her.

"oh, my god. dan, that's great. you haven't felt that way about someone since jenna." jenna was my ex girlfriend; we met in our first year at highschool and became really close. i had a small crush on her and eventually asked her out.

obviously she said yes and we dated for like 4 years until she met someone who she liked better than me, i guess. i don't really like to talk about her that much, since she was the only person i'd ever dated. i guess lara realized i was getting uncomfortable because she apologized and started asking about phil.

i'm not really sure why, since she knows him, too, but i just went along with it. we talked for a few more hours and i felt myself smile every time phil was mentioned, or he said something to us, like 'do you want more coffee,' 'i have some fresh cakes here!' or 'what're you guys talking about?'


"oh, my gosh! it's 4 o'clock already? it feels like it's been only a half an hour. ya know, incould talk all day, dan." she said, as she got up, cleaning up her stuff.

"i'd believe that!" i said under my breath. she snorted.

"and what's that supposed to mean." she replied, jokily hitting me in the arm and smiling. once she left, i got up, and started to leave myself.

"hey, dan?" i heard phil ask.

"what's up?" i replied, turning around.

"i was wondering if you wanted to hang out? like on a lunch date, one could say? ya know, when i'm not working. i think it'd be nice to talk and not have to worry about anyone interrupting because they want a coffee." he chuckled. i blushed.

"yeah. i-i can give you my number, so we can set up a time."

"sounds great!" he said, with much enthusiasm. we exchanged phone numbers and i turned to leave, again, smiling to myself; internally screaming.

"see ya, dan." i heard right before stepping outside.

"bye!" i waved to him.


i made my way home, and again, that damn phil was stuck in my thoughts. this was exciting; scary, too. what if what happened with jenna, happens with phil? i don't want to have to go through all that pain again.

but then again, maybe not. i just have a feeling that it might work out. after all, he did technically ask me out on a date.

this might actually be okay.

god, i really am glad lara left last weekend!

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