Update (I'm not dead)

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so it's been a while...

sorry about that. i've been super busy and i've been in a serious creative block recently. i haven't been able to come up with anything and i really, really want to start writing again but i have no ideas.

i have a job and i'm a junior in high school now, so that's cool. i'm also in marching band which is pretty time consuming unfortunately, and i'm gonna try out for the school musical in like september or october. i have to take my drivers test soon as well and i've been so stressed lately.

if anyone has any advice on how to get out of a creative slump like this, please let me know because i really want to continue this fic and just writing in general. 

i also haven't been on social media too much either. i've been relatively active on instagram though, so if you wanna follow me there, it's margaret_cate. i'm trying to figure out a theme at the moment so bear with me there!

thank you so much for being patient (if you have been). i don't blame you if you've left because i would've as well. it's been like two years. anyways...

bye and hopefully i'll be able to update soon. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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