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i woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, reaching over and turning it off. monday mornings are always the worst. i got up to get ready for class, which will inevitably end in a lecture about how we should be paying attention in class, even though no one was there to learn except maybe like 2 or 3 people.

i got dressed in just some black skinny jeans and a black shirt; simple. i went to go straighten my curly hair, when i got a text from phil.

'hey, dan! it's phil. i was wondering if you wanted to go on that lunch date today??'

'yeah sure. i'll meet you at the coffee shop at noon then?'

'yeah, sounds great!' i grabbed my keys and books and made my way to my class.

i sat, doodling on my notes, while mrs brown, an old lady who should've retired a long time ago, droned on and on about shakespeare, or something like that.

finally the bell rang and i practically bolted out, a probably a little to quickly, and made my way to the coffee shop. when i got there, phil was already standing out by the door, which had a sign on it that said closed.

he was dressed in a light blue hoodie and black skinny jeans, with some white adidas shoes on. it was weird seeing him without his apron on, but i kinda liked it...

he was standing there looking down at his phone, which had headphones plugged in, a bag from his shop, and a cup of coffee.

"hey" i said, as he looked up and smiled, pulling out his headphones.

"hi, dan. i brought you a cake and a vanilla latte!" he replied, handing over the bag and cup.

"thanks." i said giving him a smile back. "so where are we going for lunch?" i asked as we started walking in some direction.

"this little sandwich place down the street. my buddy, james, told me they had the best sub's he's ever had!"

"that sounds good." i replied, and after that we just walked in silence, until we arrived at the restaurant. we walked in a sat down in one of the booths, ordering when the waiter came over.

"i'll have a ham and cheese with a water, please." i said to the overly polite waiter, and phil ordered and blt but with no tomatoes and a water.

"i hate  tomatoes" he told me.

"well then its not a blt, its a bl." i retorted.

"shut up."

we ate, and just had little chats in between eating. when we were done, we paid and left to go walk in the park, sitting down near a pond.

"you know, i love to draw. it's so satisfying and relaxing." phil said, as he started picking at some daisies by his feet.

"really? i like to act. when i was little my parents took me to an acting school on sundays instead of church. my grandma hated it." he chuckled.

"i think it's good to have something you're passionate about, like art, or theater. my parents were never the most supportive of that, but i told them 'if you don't want me doing what i enjoy, then i'll leave and start my own life somewhere else.' and that's exactly what i did. i moved here, and started my own business. although i do have to thank my parents for forcing me to take that business class in 10th grade. at least i have a job." he said.

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