•1• Beach|Garrance|

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|One shot|
Pairing: Garroth x Laurance
Theme: Beach Love


If you didn't know your boyfriend was lying about his sexuallity would you throw a chair at him.

My girlfriend sure did.

That's how I met him...
Yes him

Laurance Zvahl. My husband
Yes my husband

This is the story how. How I met my love
Heh yes
My love

I pat my hand in the water wanting to dive in. I knew if I tried I'd end up drowning . don't want that again...

The beach is my favorite place to go. Especially when I'm stressed. The waves on my feet make me feel like I'm safe. Once I got stung by a jellyfish!

It hurt. Other than that, I just want to dive into the water and live their. But I can't.

Because I can't swim.

I never learned since my family never wanted us to be teach. Wanted us to learn for ourselves. Also we never had family time to learn.

I'm glad I didn't learn.

"Hey" a hear a voice say behind me. I whip my head back to see a boy staring at me. He had a green and brown surfboard in his arms. His hair was brown almost like his surfboard. His eyes were big and blue... Like the ocean

I love the ocean.

"Hello" I respond turning back to the ocean breeeze. A wind comes and makes my hair sway with the wind. A tide reaches my feet. I smile at the relaxing feeling.

"The sun set is my favorite part about the beach, you know" the boy sits next to me in a cradle position.

"Yeah." I respond tracing my finger in the wet sand under us.

We didn't talk for a while. We watch the sun come down leaving our side of the earth in darkness. He messes with a bracelet he had on his arm. I knew he wanted to say something, but he didn't want to start the conversation.

"I sit here everyday to look at the sun set" I say. He looks over at me and smiles. He starts tracing the sand too.

"I do too. I'm usually over by the docks" He pointed at the docks and smiled.

"I can't swim" I bust out and say. His smile turns into a frown.

"Really?!" He sounded like he didn't believe me but also shock and happy.

"Yeah... I never learned since my family wasn't a outdoor family. Plus I was scared I'd drown" I know I sounded like a baby.

That's how we connected was swimming. That night after hours until midnight. We connected. It was a spark. I'm not talking about that group of jellyfishes who chased us in the ocean either.

In the middle of the beach floating along.

"I love your blonde hair" he smiled. We sat on his surfboard and let it float us in the ocean. He puts his hand on my shoulder.

The moonlight escapes from the sky down to us. I let out a smile. His finger traces my hair and he tucks it behind my ear.

I know this feeling.

I know what will happen.

"Do it" he says shyly. I was wondering what. I realized my hand was on his waist. I smiled at him.

My hand was already making it to his face. I stroke it once, only once, before connecting our lips shortly after. I didn't want this kiss to end, but it did. Our eyes connected and we breathed lightly in our tiny space from kissing.

We didn't say much after that. We let the waves talk for us. Slowly but surely we mad either back to the sand. He said 5 words I'll never forget.

"Feelings, that's what its called" he whispered to himself. I laugh and kindly asked him in a date.

Do you know where we went.

To the beach.

The same spot every time.

How do we know.

'5/5/05' was written in wood board next to the docks. That's the date we met...

That's also the day we got married

I had fun writing this <3

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