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[A/N in order for this story to work, vampires can have children. As long as it is a human and a vampire.]

I found God, I found him in a love,
When his hair falls in his face and his hands so cold they shake.
"I'd never felt anything like what I felt when I met him. He was like a human God. Just without the human."
"Can you explain what happened for me Sadie?"
"It was February 2010..."

"What's a pretty young thing like you doing in a bar like this?" A very masculine voice questioned, snapping the eighteen year old girl snap from her trance.
"What's a very handsome man like you doing talking to me?" She fired back with a slight blush, the man had been drawn to her pretty green eyes and her strawberry blond hair.
"Your pretty little face, of course.

"He was cocky, but it was a good sort of cocky. I don't know, he was confident- he knew what he wanted. And he knew he'd get it. He wanted me and my love."

"Don't lie." She giggled softly turning her head away from him to hide her blush. She felt a cold chill spread through her face when he grabbed her chin gently with his fingers to turn her towards him again.
Her blush deepened when he bit his lip and flickered his eyes as he scanned her face and body.
"What's your name?" He asked flashing his white teeth in a smile,
"Sadie Kyle, and yours?" She returned the smile.

"His name was Damon. Damon Salvator. He was perfection, from the way his hair dropped onto his face to the way his cold hands made my own cold. I fell in love with him from the first time I saw him, and it all began to spiral from there."

Coming Down//Damon Salvator.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora