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Now we're lost somewhere in outer space in a hotel room where demons play,
They run around beneath our feet. We roll around beneath these sheets
"So after meeting Damon's family and old friends, what would you say was the next big part of your relationship?"
"Probably when I told him I was pregnant. This was in 2012."

"Damon..?" Sadie mumbled when he walked into their shared hotel room, he soon became worried when he saw her tear stained cheeks,
"Bubble," Damon started using a childish nickname he'd made up for his partner,
"What's wrong?" He pleaded only growing more and more concerned when she wouldn't speak, he panic faded when his eyes set on the little white stick that lay on the coffee table, he walked over to it and began to fill up with excitement,
The thought of having a child repulsed Damon however, the thought of parenting a child along side Sadie seemed like the most ideal and perfect way of life.
"Why are you crying baby? This is amazing!" He encouraged,
"Wait.." Sadie's sniffles had stopped and confusion began to take over sadness,
"You want this?"
"Of course baby! Don't you?" His excitement disappeared.
"Yes I do, I just didn't want you to leave me" the two stared at each other in silence,
"Well soon there'll be a little devil running and rolling around the floor. So why don't we have a little roll around in those fresh white sheets."

"Are you okay?" Sadie was asked,
"Yeah, just thinking about the day Damon walked out of my and took my kids with me."

Coming Down//Damon Salvator.Where stories live. Discover now