¤Chapter Six¤

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Jim and I were finally at peace for the first time in three days. We enjoyed our coffees and talked about life and a future we could build. Almost every time we spoke it was about our future and what we want for it.

**flash back**
"Okay, how about Leroy?"

"Jimmy, what if it's a girl?" I ran my fingers through Jim's hair while his head was rested upon my chest.

"Then we name her Isabella!" he laughed.

"I was thinking Jane, after my friend."

"She can be named Isabella Jane Malik!" Jim said cheerfully.

"And if it's a boy?" I asked.

"How about Jimmy Jr.?" He said sarcastically.

"One of you is enough numb nuts." I kissed his forehead and he just smiled and fixed his head in the crook of my neck.

**flash back ends**

One of the nurses cut off our conversation and told me that I was free to go home.
"I have a question first." I said to the nurse. "Did you call Jane? Like I asked."

"Yes ma'am, but there was no answer."

"Where are my things and I'll call her myself to let her know what's going on." I said with a not-so-amused tone of voice.

"In a black back beside your bed." The nurse said then quietly walked away.

"I can't wait to leave and get home..." I turned to Jim, looking at the floor.

Jim cupped his delicate hands around my face and caressed my cheeks with his thumbs. Despite everything that's happened, Jim still manages to make me smile.

A few minutes passed; I was done with breakfast and Jim was throwing away our trash.
He got behind me and then wheeled me over to the nearest elevator so that we could go to the old room and gather my things.

While Jim was looking in the closet to see if I had left any thing in there he found a camera, placed underneath a towel on the top shelf. It was pointed at the hospital bed, the place I was raped..
It was a black and small. Almost perfect for capturing moments whilst simultaneously being completely out of eye shot.

Jim pulled the camera out of it's concealed area, bringing the writing on the side into the light.

Elijah Adkins

"Mellissa... You need to see this..."

I slowly walked towards Jim and examined the object.
I read aloud the cursive writing revealing who the camcorder belonged to.

Tears streamed down my face almost immediately after seeing who owned it.

Elijah Adkins.

"That son of a bitch!" I exclaimed while choking on my tears.
Jim quickly, with precaution, took me into his arms with a warm embrace.

"I'm so sorry baby girl..." Jim whispered into my ear after kissing my forehead.

"I just want to go home..." I looked deep into Jim's dark green eyes.

"I know, and you will."

We were both interlocked in our hug for what felt like forever, but we had to push forward and get home.

Minutes passed and we had finally left the hospital. Jim wheeled me to his car and he carefully helped me in.
I was in the passenger seat, my wheel chair in the trunk and Jim was starting the car. Moments later I began to grow weary and soon enough I had fallen asleep. My tired mind was left to wander and I was at peace, slowly slipping into a void that would soon leave me to dream.

** An hour later **

I was woken up by a click, caused by Jim unbuckling his seatbelt. The notification ding you get when you take off your seatbelt rang in my ears.
Jim looked over at me to see if I was awake; when he saw that I was he planted a kiss upon my lips.

"I love you, baby." Jim whispered softly.

"I love you, too." I softly replied.

Attempting to pick myself up and get out of the car Jim pulled my wheel chair from the trunk and rolled it over to my side.

"You know, Melissa, you can't be moving around at all; I'll do everything that's needed and you can stay on bed rest, just like the nurse said."

"Fine.." I pouted in response, "it's just hard for me not to do anything."

"I understand, now let's get you inside baby girl."
I managed to pull myself into the chair and Jim rolled me to the front door of our apartment room and
I was so happy to finally be home with Jim.

Word count: 760

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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