Chapter 10: Animal Blood

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Animal Blood

          “Look, I know it’s late for lunch, but no one is gonna be putting the good stuff out for sale until like…nine o’clock, so like, you’re gonna be really hungry by then.”

          “Abby, I’m not hungry.”

          “Well I am. So, just, come with me. And eat.”

          “I don’t need anything Abby, heck, I don’t want anything.”

          “Come on, Lily, that looks good, doesn’t it?” Abby points her finger over her shoulder, to a hotdog stand that’s just finished being set up, “and seriously; a dollar for a hotdog and a drink? That’s an absolutely great deal.”

          “Abby,” I complain.

          “Come. With. Me.”

          So I allow Abigail to drag me to the stand. “Two please!” The person manning the stand, a slightly pudgy man in a ball cap, looks absolutely pleased to get his first customers. Abby elbows me, pulling out her, “I’ll treat ya, Lil.”

          “I don’t want one,” I mutter, out of the side of my mouth. “Well, you’re gonna have to deal with it,” she mutters in return.

          With gusto, the big man behind the stand drops a hotdog in a bun, into the palm of my hand; outstretched at Abigail’s manipulating. Almost immediately, Abby bites into hers. I hesitate; finally nibbling slightly. I haven’t eaten a hot dog in ages; they’re so…greasy. And flavourful.

          “Now isn’t that yummy?”

          “Screw you, Abby,” I say. And then shove the rest of the hotdog into my mouth.


          “Screw you, Abby,” I repeat, this time, my words severely garbled by the mouthful of food I just forced into my small jaw.

          People are starting to fill the circle; children and their parents mainly. I had forgotten; this festival goes on most of the night. Children won’t be up until then; so they want to get started in on the festivities as early as possible. Suddenly, I see two people I recognize.

          “Well look at these two lovely ladies,” the man says.

          My father, always the joker. Clearly, there is only one lovely lady here, and she is sitting next to me. “Wait, Lily, when’d you get your hair cut?”

          “Uh…this morning I guess.”

          “Abby, it’s been a while,” my mother is saying, wrapping her arms around my friend, “have you been well?”

          “Dad, what are you two doing here?” I groan finally.

          “Well your mother told me that according to you we are perfectly welcome at this festival. And by the way, even if we weren’t, we’d still have every right to be here. So here we are,” my father laughs.

          “Having fun?” I tease, “’cause I’m sure not.”

          My dad leans in towards me, “I was thinking, sweetie, that the four of us could go see a movie together.”

          “What? But what about the festival?”

          “I’m down for a movie!” Abby announces, jumping down from her seat.

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