1- The Beginning

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(*Quick AN: The art on the cover and on all of the chapters is not mine, unless I say otherwise. Also, y/n= your name, and h/c= hair color. Enjoy the story!*)

Your POV

     Blood. There was blood all over your hands. That was all you remembered. You woke up on the side of the road, your hands covered in the candy red substance. You were so confused. 'How did I get here? Whose blood is this? Who....am I?' You asked yourself. There were no cuts or gashes on your body, so it definately wasn't your blood.

     A man ran towards you. He had orange hair, ear muffs, and a warm looking scarf and coat. "OH MY GOODNESS, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" He yelled, startling you a little bit. "Uh...yeah, I think so." You reply, rubbing your head. The man extended a hand and helped you stand up. You wobbled a little bit, then some blood ran down your cheek. "Oh...shit." You rub your head and find a large gash. "Oh my god, sir..please take me to a hospi-.." You suddenly passed out from blood loss.

Edd's POV

     Me and Tom were sitting on the couch, watching "The Children" and waiting for Matt to come back with more Cola. "It's been a while. Do you think we should go check on him?" I asked, worried. "I don't care." Tom replied, turning the volume on the TV up.

     Suddenly Matt bursted through the door, holding a girl. I shot up and ran over to him. "WHO IS THIS AND WHY ARE THEY BLEEDING??" I yelled, pulling off my hoodie to wrap it around her bleeding head. "Uh, I don't know her name, but she needs a doctor!!" Matt said, setting her down on the couch. "No, what she needs is pressure on the wound, and rest." Tom argued, feeling the strange girl's pulse.

×Time skip brought to you by Edwardo×

Your POV

     You woke up again, but this time, you were laying underneath a large blanket on a couch. Was this all a dream? You rubbed your head and found that it was wrapped up in bandage. Well, that answers that question. But I still have so many.

     You ran your fingers through your h/c hair, pulling it over the bandage. You pushed the covers off, and looked around. There were 3 guys, one with a green hoodie, one blue, and one purple, who all looked about your age, standing around you with concerned looks.

     "Uh...who are you guys?" You asked, blinking. The one with the purple hoodie stepped forward and kneeled next to you. "I'm Matt, this is Tom, and that's Edd." He said, gesturing to the other guys. "What's your name?" He asked smiling. 'My...my name...what's my name..?' "I...uh.. I don't know.." You replied, looking at the floor.

     "I'm pretty sure you lost your memory." Edd piped in. "Oh..well then..what would you like us to call you?" Matt asked. "Uh.." You thought about some names that you like. "Uh...y/n is fine." You say, rubbing your head. You look down at your shirt, and it's covered in blood. You're guessing that it came from your head.

     "Hey, uh...this isn't my house, is it?" You ask, looking around. "Nope." Tom says. "Well, I kinda need a shower." You say, blushing a little. "You can barely stand up without passing out. I don't think you'll be showering anytime soon." Tom replies, chuckling. 'Seriously?'

    I scooted off the couch and stood up easily. "Is that so?" I said, smirking and crossing my eyes. I took a few steps forward with no problem. "I think I'll be ok to shower. But, I need clothes." You say, grabbing Edd's shoulder for support. "I have some spare T-shirts, and I bet Tom has some spare sweatpants!" Edd  says, taking off towards his bedroom. Tom follows him.

      Now it was just you and Matt. "Hey, I never got to say thanks. I hope I'm not being a burden." You say, smiling at Matt. "Oh no, you aren't being a burden at all!! And you are absolutely welcome!!" He says, hugging you. You blush a little and the other 2 guys come downstairs with a red t-shirt and grey sweatpants. "Thanks guys! Uh..where's the bathroom?" You ask. "Upstairs, first room on the right!" Edd says smiling. You walk upstairs and make your way to the bathroom.

×Time skip to after shower×

     You walked downstairs to find the guys all sitting on the couch and watching TV. "Hey I'm done." You say, sitting next to Tom. "You guys are ok with me staying here for a while, right?" You ask. "Sure." Tom replies. The other 2 both nod enthusiastically.

     It was getting late. The only light in the room was coming from the TV. You were getting really tired. You started to fall asleep, but caught yourself before you fell onto Tom. He noticed this and stood up. "You seem tired. Guys, let's let her sleep." He says, walking off. Matt follows Tom, and Edd hands you the remote. "Goodnight, y/n!" He says, patting your head lightly. "G'night Edd." You say, yawning. He walks upstairs and leaves you by yourself.

     You sigh and turn off the TV. You get comfy and lay down on the couch. It was cold. There was a green coat on the ground, so you picked it up and covered yourself up with it. A tear slid down your cheek. Then another..then yet another. 'Where is my family, and my friends? Will I ever get my life back?' You quietly cry into the arm of the couch. Suddenly, you hear footsteps.

     "Y/n?" You couldn't tell whose voice it was. Nor could you see them. Then, there was warmth over you. A blanket. Whoever it was, they didn't notice that you were awake. Much less, crying. They lifted your head and put a pillow below your head. Then, they walked back upstairs. You curled up with the blanket and buried your face into the couch, slowly falling asleep.

[1024 Words]

×WIRES× // Eddsworld x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя