3- Vacation

440 14 3

Your POV

You eventually got home. Everyone was quiet the whole drive home. "Uh...y/n? What was that about?" Tom asked. "I...." You thought for a second. "I remember everything."


He looked at you with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry.." You say. "I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you." You smile at him with tears rolling down your cheeks. "What if I live?" You ask, coughing blood. He smiles and tears roll down his cheeks. "I hope you do." You connect lips with him, and he pulls the trigger. It all goes black.


You covered your mouth and cried. Matt picked you up bridal style and carried you to his room. At this point, you didn't really care. He set you down on his bed and kneeled on the floor in front of you. He hugged you and you leaned forward, crying on his shoulder. "Shh..." He rubbed circles into your back, comforting you. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. It's gonna be ok, y/n. I'm here." You sniffed and sat up, looking at the wet spot you made on Matt's jacket. "S-sorry.." You say. H hushes you and takes Tom's iacket off of you. He sets it aside and grabs a blanket. He wraps you up in the blanket and turns the TV on. "Whats your favorite show?" He asks. "Well..I-I really l-like..*sniff* f/s(favorite show).." He turns the channel to that show and runs downstairs. A few minutes later he comes back up with a bowl of popcorn. He sits on the bed next to you and puts the bowl of popcorn in your lap. He wraps his arm around you and cuddles you. This continued for a few hours, until both of you got tired. "I'm getting sleepy.." He said. "Me too." You replied. He stood up and turned off the light. "Wanna spend the night eith me tonight?" He asks smiling. You giggle and nod, blushing a little. You curl up under covers and Matt lays down next to you. You were facing each other, and Matt kept making funny faces. Eventually he stopoed and fell asleep. But you couldn't stop thinking about him. Tord. 'Tord....Tord.....T....Tor...T....' You finally fell asleep.


     You woke up to Matt hugging you into his chest. You blushed and cuddled into him, not wanting to get up. At least, not until you heard "BREEEAAAAKFAAAAASST." As quick as that, Matt's eyes shot open. You looked up at him and blushed. He rubbed his face and jumped out of bed, running downstairs. You slowly stood up, running your fingers through your hair. You eventually made your way downstairs, and to the kitchen table. Your eyes were red from crying, and your face was sticky. "Hey lovebirds. How was the sleepover?" Tom mocked you, smirking. "I was just comforting her, Tom! Besides, we all know you're the one who likes y/n.~" Your face lit up and you looked down at your bowl of Eddsworld cereal. "w-WHAT? N-NO I DON'T!!" He yells. 'Wow that made you feel great.' "Pfft, stop lying Tom!" Edd said, chuckling. "Whatever!! Screw you guys!" He said, marching upstairs. You focused on finishing your cereal and that alone. Once you finished, you dashed over to the Christmas tree. You shoved the pre-wrapped presents under the tree and called for everyone to come to the tree. Everyone came except Tom. "Where's Tom?" You look around. "He uh...kiiind of hates Christmas.." Edd says. You sigh and set his present aside. "Ok, then...you 2 can open your presents!!" "YAY!" They both yelled, ripping open the presents like little kids. Matt got his open first, and yoh swear you saw a tear in his eye. "I...I'M BEAUTIFUL!!!" He hugs the mirror. Edd got his open and he got a big grin on his face. "Cool!" He says, examining the pencils. "Hope you like them!!" You say, smiling. You stand up and grab Tom' present. "Hey! What about your presents?" Edd says, stopping you. "You guys..got me presents?" You smiled and sat back down, grabbing the 3 presents. First one was from Tom. You tore it open. It...was a bottle of smirnoff. There was a note attached to it. 'Merry whatever. Please deliver to Tom.' You tore the note off and sat the alcohol aside. Next was Matt's present. You ripped it open to find a poster of Matt admiring a toaster. You laugh and shrug. Lastly was Edd. You tear open the package and look inside. It was a card. You open it. There was a badly drawn cat and....4 plane tickets. You read the plane tickets first. 'Daytona, Florida' You almost screamed but kept it down to a squeal. You read the card next. 'Mewry Catmas! :3' You lept forward and hugged Edd. "EDD OH MY GOD YOURE THE BEST!!" You yell.


You grab the presents you got, and Tom's present, and walk upstairs. You knock on Tom's door. "Come in." He says from inside. You open the door to see him laying on his bed surrounded by  various types of alcohol bottles. "Hey...what's up?" You smile and hand him your present. He sits up and takes it. "Drinking." He says, opening your present. He gets it completely open, and smiles. "Thanks, y/n." He says, taking a pick out of the package. Can I play you a song? You nod and he pulls out Susan, his bass. He plays the first few chords, and you immediately know the song. He then starts singing.

We talked about making it
I'm sorry that you never made it
And it pains me just to hear you have to say it
You knew the game and played it
It kills to know that you have been defeated
I see the wires pulling while you're breathing
You knew you had a reason
It killed you like diseases
I can hear it in your voice while your speaking you can't be treated
Mr. Know it all had his reign and his fall
At least that's what his brain is telling all

If he said help me kill the president
I'd say he needs medicine
Sick of screaming let us in
The wires got the best of him
All that he invested in goes

Straight to hell
Straight to hell
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

Straight to hell
Straight to hell
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

He told me I should take it in
Listen to every word he's speaking
The wires getting older I can hear the way their creaking
As their holding him
Well I could see it in his jaw
That all he ever wanted was a job
He tells me to be raw
Admits to me that every little flaw
That never let him sit upon the top
Won't tell me to stop
Thinks that I should be a little cautious
I can tell the wires pulled

If he said help me kill the president
I'd say he needs medicine
Sick of screaming let us in
The wires got the best of him
All that he invested in goes

Straight to hell
Straight to hell
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

Straight to hell
Straight to hell
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

I'm having trouble in believing
And I just started seeing
Light at the beginning of the tunnel but he tells me that I'm dreaming
When he talks I hear his ghosts every word they say to me
I just pray the wires aren't coming

If he said help me kill the president
I'd say he needs medicine
Sick of screaming let us in
The wires got the best of him
All that he invested in goes

Straight to hell
Straight to hell
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

Straight to hell
Straight to hell
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

Straight to hell
Straight to hell
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

Straight to hell
Straight to hell
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

You smiled and clapped. "When did you learn this?" "Just this morning, actually. You said you liked this song, so it was gonna be my Christmas present to you..so um. Merry Christmas or whatever." He sets Susan down on his bed. Suddenly you get a wave of emotions. "That song..." A tear threatens to fall from the corner of your eye. Tom looks confused. "Y-You're so drunk." You laugh and hug him as tears fall. He flinches and thinks twice about hugging back, but awkwardly pats your back anyway. "Uh..you ok?" He asks, lifting your chin. You blush and look up at him, tears falling like crazy.  He stares into your e/c(eye color) eyes, and gives a sympathetic smirk. "You're okay." He says. Your face lights up even more. "Get some s-sleep, Tom." You stutter, standing up. "I'll try.." He says, laying back on his bed. You walk out of his room and go downstairs. "So uh..when's the trip?"

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