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Nagisa pov
At the end of the day I was walking down the hill when someone grabbed me.
I turned around and saw Kayano
"Kayano what's wrong?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere?"
"Sure" I said
"Great! There's this great place that has the best pudding!"
"Really?" I asked wondering where this place was that I have never seen or heard of it
"Yeah, let's go!" She said dragging me
When we got there I ordered a cheesecake with a strawberry milkshake
"You were right Kayano this place is the best!" I said as I was eating the cheesecake
"Right" she said smiling at me
As we were eating I got a text from mom saying, "Where Are You Young Lady?"
Oh no I totally lost track of time
I quickly stood up and started to leave
"What's wrong Nagisa?" Kayano asked as she was about to take a bite of her pudding
"Nothing I just totally forgot I had something to do" I  said as I was leaving
I ran through the streets and when I was at the neighborhood I bumped into someone and we both fell
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going"
I looked up shocked
"Why are you in a hurry?" He asked as he was picking up a bag, which I guessed had the new Sonic Ninja game he got from Korosensei
"I I have something to do. Bye!" I ran past him
When I got to the house I opened the front door only to have mom in front of it
"Where have you been?"
Oh no she was angry
"I'm sorry I was with a friend and I lost track of time."
"That is no excuse!"
She grabbed my neck and started choking me
I grasped for air until she let me go
She then grabbed my hair and started to drag me to the basement, then she pushed me down the stairs.
This was where the real abuse started.
She grabbed a whip and started whipping me until cuts and bruises appeared.
When she finished she brought out a bucket and threw a bucket full of hot water onto me.
I screamed and later on passed out from the pain
The next morning I was still in the basement, so I went to my room and started treating my wounds. I was glad not many cuts were on my face. There were only cuts and bruises on my neck, torso, and legs. I decided to have my hair down as usual, just not styled or anything. I also wore a scarf to cover my neck and high knee socks.
"There" I said looking at the mirror.
I left the house and as I walking I saw Karma
Oh no he's the last person I want to see
I turned around to go the long way when...

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