Why Him

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Karma pov
It's been 1 week since the accident.
I went to go visit Nagisa again.
When I entered I saw her sitting up while looking out the window
"Hello, Karma" she said without turning around
"Hello? Is that all I get? Why not Hello Dear" I teased
I saw her turn around
I grabbed a chair and sat next to her
"How you feeling?"
"Better, because whenever you visit, you always seem to bring life to this boring hospital"
I smirked "Glad to hear"
After a while I started looking down
"What's wrong?"
I looked up and saw Nagisa looking at me with a worried expression
"Don't look at me like that"
"I can't help it. I worry when your not yourself."
I stayed silent and wrapped her bandaged hands with mine
"I almost lost you, both of you"
"But you didn't"
"What if I did!"
I looked up, surprised that she yelled at me.
She seemed angry for a moment but then her face softened and pulled one hand away from me and put it against my cheek.
"Don't talk like that, what matters now is that we're all safe"
All I could do was stare at her beautiful blue eyes, but then I grabbed the hand she had on my cheek and removed it and brought it to my lips and kissed it.
"You're right"
She smiled at me

"By the way..."
"What?"  I asked
"I talked with Asano and I told him I wanted him to be the godfather of our child"
"....... HUH?! HIM!"
"Of course, when I told him he said he was honored and he would always be there for us"
I sighed
"Fine, but I get to choose who the godmother will be"
She chuckled
"It seems like you already know who you want"
"Yeah, Kayano"
"I'm glad"
We both smiled

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