Chapter Three: Visitors and First Kiss

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Chara's POV

I was busy signing papers with the help of Sans. It was super tiring! Luckily, he has magic. Without it, I'd be asleep in the middle of signing papers!

"Hey kid," Sans said. "I gotta question."

"Name it trash bag," I playfully rolled my eyes.

Sans snickered, "do you like the young king of monsters?"

I felt my face become red. Oh god. Chara, don't blush. I can't stop blushing!

"Silence means yes!" Sans chuckled. "I'm-"

"No you don't, comedian!" I reprimanded. "I swear I'll cut off your bone arm if you do!"

"Chill, queen. Chill!" Sans said. "You'll be a lady in dis-dress soon!"

"SHUT UP!" I commanded, doing my creepy face, which scared the hell out of Sans.

"Fine..." he scoffed.

Just then, the royal herald came in saying, "her Highness, Queen Chara of the Humans has a visitor outside. A suitor, I guess."

"Sir, what's the name?" I asked. I hope its Asriel. Please make it Asriel, oh God! I prayed.

"Its Prince Richard of Colonradora."

No. No. I want Azzy!

The herald left. "Oh, and King Asriel is coming in an hour," Sans told me.

"Yes!" I got so happy. Asriel is coming!!!

Wait...  Why am I acting like this?!

I had to get ready. I realized I was wearing my favorite Delta Rune T-shirt Asriel gave to me! I had to change. I don't want my royal clothes but, if there is a special visitor, I had to wear those.

I chose that green dress with yellow, butter-cup shaped earrings Frisk gave me. It was cute. It reminded me of the sweater I used to wear and the buttercups that I used to poison myself, just to save the monsters.

I sneaked into the royal kitchen and grabbed a bar of chocolate. I went back to the throne room and saw Prince Richard, Rita, his sister, and his court, there. "Greetings," I greeted.

"Good day, beautiful," Richard said, taking my hand. He was about to kiss it when I pulled it back. "Sorry, you don't have the right to do that," I snapped.

"And why is that?" he asked.

"Someone's already authorized. He's coming in an hour."

I heard Sans giggle near me. I gave him the stern face and he shut upped.

I tour them around the castle. The grand duke of Colonradora, Wilson asked me a few questions.

"Why do you have the Delta Rune on your bedroom door?" Wilson asked.

"Oh, it reminds me about someone," I explained. I checked the nearest clock. Five minutes before Asriel arrives. "Will you please excuse me, I need to go back to the castle entrance."

I headed for the castle entrance. Just in time. Asriel's carriage is there. He went down and greeted me with a smile, "Howdy, best friend!"

I giggled, "greetings, fluff ball!" Asriel took my hand and kissed it. I blushed slightly. We both turned to look inside and saw the visitors... Starring at us.

"Oh, so this is the authorized person. No wonder," Richard hissed.

"Char, who are they?" Asriel asked.

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