Chapter 3- The Chill Day-

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Bruhhh Bobby looks so hot in that photo!!😍😍😍🌚♥️♥️😭😭

Your pov.

Bobby and I are currently in the studio recording a cover of 'I' by Taeyeon Sunbaenim feat. Verbal Jint Sunbaenim.

We've been wanting to do a collab for a while, but we've both been so busy it became IMPOSSIBLE.

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We finally finished recording the cover and decided to go to his dorm.

We left the studio together and headed towards his dorm.

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Once we arrived B.I opened the door with a huge grin on his face.

"Hey Y/N, haven't seen you in a minute. How's the idol life treating you?" He said with a chuckle.

"Like a pain in the a-" I was cut off by Bobby hand covering on my mouth. "Ok ok let's get inside." B.I just chuckled.

When we got inside I was looking for my favorite member.

"YUN!" I yelled holding my arms out for a hug.

I ran to me and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you~" he said in the hug.

"I missed you too Yun!" I said with a wide smile.

We sat on the couch to catch up on each others lives.

As we were talking B.I came over and sat next to me.

"Hey I'm sorry to disturb you two but I just wanted to know, I watched that V Live last week when Bobby kissed you.

"Bobby Oppa how are you and Y/N so close."

"When she was a trainee I helped her alot with her raps"

"Aww she's so cute."

"Yeah she is a cutie."

Then Bobby kissed you.

The comments went rolling in one by one.

'Oppa Why did you kiss her"

"what's wrong with you?"

'Oppa are you two dating"

"Bobby you're a pervert she's only 14."

End of  Flashback

"What happened after that?"

"Oh, well Bobby explained that he did it by accident, not thinking about what he was doing."

"Ooooh" Hanbin said.

"Yea, satisfied?"

"Not really but, you two carry on."

The rest of the day Yun and I caught up, Bobby was being Bobby, he was being a weirdo and playing video games with Donghyuk and Chanwoo. Junhoe was with B.I talking about I don't even know. Today was pretty chill.

Borring I need something more exciting !

Marrying a 20 y/o AMBW (BOBBY iKON)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя