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I have fathomed art in the deepest forms

traced the axis of beauty skin deep yet bid a heart on loan

while exploring the dark abyss of my mind

I came to realise darkness it isnt a curse,  we can all be reborn

I have emptied the sea of negative spirals by mere coffee spoons

destroyed, preserved and created

I have been reborn by vain, preserved by aspiration

and perished in desperation

I am the fire of fuels raging at all those cruel

I am the wind of  my kin born to differ and make my enemies shiver

I am the waters of salvation from heaven, rained upon in droughts of despair

For I have conquered  mountains and carved galaxies from a paintbrush of elite and delicate words

I appear in the heart and soul of nature

  in forms so unearthly, they all bewilder 

l am all those that have fallen, bled and bruised 

but have risen from the ash 

like a phoenix reborn

We are strong

and this is our mighty song  ❞  

- margo


do you guys like the new cover ? :) x

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