Chapter 3

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A/N: I really am so sorry for not updating in like forever but school ewww and other things have been difficult. I'm hoping to get into a rhythm and start updating weekly. Or every second day. I dunno leave an idea. :) thank you guys so much you truly are ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE.


He walked me over to his black range rover and opened the passenger door up, signaling for me to enter. I hopped in and closed the door behind me. I hung my head low as Harry jumped in the drivers side. All of my emotions overwhelmed me and I started crying hysterically again. I've always been very peculiar about who I cry in front of. Actually to be honest no ones actually seen me cry before. I tried hiding my feelings from Harry but I couldn't it was too overpowering.

I cried the whole way to Harry's house. It was an apartment complex with multiple other units. I got out of his car and followed him to the top floor. His apartment was a mansion! It was the most magnificent house I've ever seen but then again I lived in the slumps of Darwin. He showed me to a room with an ensuite and handed me a small bag full of clothing and other feminine products.

I still couldn't comprehend that my parents were gone. Once Harry left the room I fell on to my bed and tried to plan my movements from here. Do I ring my cousin? Wait I don't have their numbers. Before I could think about anything else I feel asleep.

I woke up and felt a warm wisp of breath of my neck. My nervous system took control and prepared for battle. I recognized the face of my house host and settled back into the quilt. Wait, quilt I thought I feel asleep on top of the blankets.

"You looked uncomfortable so I moved you and then you looked lonely so I joined you" the familiar voice said answering my thoughts. I turned from my back onto my side so I was facing away from this man. A large hand snuck over my hip and placed itself onto my stomach. It started to rub my stomach, besides the awkward gesture it felt quite comfortable and I feel back into a deep, peace-filled sleep.

Pancakes? Wait, PANCAKES!!! I smelt the sweet delightful scent of my favourite breakfast choice. My mum always made me pancakes topped with chocolate dusted truffles and a glistening strawberry. My mouth began to water and My legs followed the scent into what appeared to be a kitchen. Shirtless and in only boxers stood Harry humming away to an All Time Low classic. I tried to stop from gasping as I watched his perfectly chiseled abs flex as he breathed.

He pulled up his boxers removing a perfect sight of his buttox and spun around singing a song about pancakes he'd obviously just made up. I blushed slightly and looked down. Waiting patiently to devour this meal.

Why am I so dumb and stupid!?!? My parents have just perished and all I can do is drool over this guy! I'm such I failure! I looked down at my cut wrists and confirmed everything. They begged me to slice them even more.

The Doctor- a Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now