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Your welcome and hope ya like it! (>//<)

Elide Lochan panicked as she searched for a fitting night gown to wear. Apparently there were none and she had none. Ever since she was at Morath she barely had any clothes.

She slept naked in a tent with Lorcan, once or twice before he found out who she was.


The one who sold her queen out to the now dead Queen of the Fae. After the whole incident she decided to avoid him at all costs. No matter the constant stares she kept getting from him.

She ignored every single attempt to speak to her. She ignored every single glance, finger touch, and rescue. She didn't need him anymore.

Elide looked out at the beautiful night sky and sighed and remembered when she and Lorcan were that close to making love under the stars.

She tugged at her hair and cursed every thought in her mind and went to find Aelin.


Lorcan eyed the silver haired Fae down for the seventh time today.

Gods it was getting hard for Lorcan to agree with his old friend. It was only easier, better around Elide.

What was she doing to him? Ever since that night in the stone marshes, he wanted more. He wanted to hold her close so she would never leave him again. Then he realized, he might never get that chance again.

"For the last time! If you two don't stop it with your territorial Fae bullshit I am kicking you both out. Plus Aedion. I'm sure he'll keep ya company." Aelin put on her world-famous grins as Aedion growled lowly.

They forgotten about him. He was sitting quietly in a chair minding his own business, forgotten, until Aelin.

"Only if your Fae prince-"

"Husband." Both Aelin and Rowan corrected.

"Whatever only if he decides to leave me out of his festivities."

"Apparently your the one who volunteered to help us train the new recruits. Unless it for some other reason of course, that your not helping." Rowan smirked at him and Lorcan scowled at him and exited the room. (I'm horrible at this okay? So just shut up all you who are complaining!)

Ever since Maeve's death and his freedom from the bond, he didn't know how to be free. When he was around Elide, he changed. Completely from the day he started following her in those woods.

Elide had been avoiding him ever since they'd won the war. She'd go and talk to Aelin, Lysandra and sometimes Fenrys which of course made him growl at the thought.

A flash of a memory of Elide jumping in the way of Fenrys trying to end his life. He missed Elide. Every time she'd avoid his stares, his finger brushing moments. If it weren't for so many people around he'd tie her to his bed and pound into her constantly, telling her he was sorry me that he loved her. (I died as I was writing this!)

He abruptly stopped in the middle of a court yard.

'Did I just-'

He shook his head and cursed himself repeatedly. Gods what was that woman doing to him that made him like this. Maybe it was because of how attractive and inviting her body looke- "Damnit! What is she doing to me?" He mumbled to himself.

"She talks about you." Lorcan quickly spun around to find the shifter merely ten feet away from him. "She never forgotten what you said. That you'd one day go back to Perranth with her." Lysandra looked down at the ground. "She misses you. Everyday she does. Even when she doesn't show it. She misses you." 

He'd forgotten that the woman standing in front of him was a shifter. Part  animal part-person?

"I-I uh." He desperately wanted to go and find Elide and get on his knees and beg for forgiveness. But that might as well make it worse.

Sensing the confusion on his face, Lysandra slowly grinned. "What?"

"Oh nothing. Y'know." We all just got here not too long ago and we need clo-mnh! I need to find Aelin. Your welcome by the way!" The shifter sped off in the direction Lorcan came. What was that about?


It was almost sunset and Elide had already gotten clothes from a nearby shop with the help of Lysandra instead of going to Aelin for some clothes. To say in the least, Elide had never been shopping before. She never experienced anything like that in Morath.

As she was walking she remembered Manor who was soon to become queen of Adarlan. (👏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻LAWD HALP MEH) She and Dorian developed feelings for each other during the war and-

Elide shuddered. She never liked to bring those thoughts up because it'd always bring her back to Lorcan.

She really did miss him. But after that stunt he pulled back on the shores of Ellywe.

"Earth to Elide! You in there?" Lysandra kept poking Elide's head until she got an answer. 

She lied. "Y-yeah 'm fine." They were back in Elide's room, all too fast. 

"Liar. I can smell the lie! It's Lorcan, isn't it? Why don't you go and take a ride if you know what I mean." She winked, Elide rolled her eyes. "Not in the mood."

"Elide, sweetheart, Aelin isn't dead. She's here. Alive. You shouldn't hold onto the past for longer than expected. Let go of the past and build a future. A better one at that." She got up to leave and gave Elide one last look that spelled mescheif. "He misses you as well darlin'"


After Elide are and took a bath, she now stood on her balcony staring at the Night sky. It actually gave her hope and made her calm. She always lived the night sky growing up, until Morath. Morath had a way to shut you out completely and not let you out for any reason.

She stood and stared and stared before she sensed eyes on her. She may be half witch, but she knows a predatory stare. 

She slowly turned to find the person she least hoped to see.

"Leave. Now!"


Lorcan knew she was going to say that. She didn't even give him a chance to speak.

"Elide, I-"

"I said leave!" She threw a pillow at him, and he didn't bother dodging it. He moved so swiftly and pinned her against the wall, cutting off any escape. "Elide you need to listen."

She kept struggling to get free then after a while, stopped. "Look, I'm sorry. For everything. I just, was having a hard time-"

"Having a hard time what?"

"Breaking free. I've never knew what it was to be free and," he thought the last part through, "and to fall in love. What I felt for Maeve, was nothing."

"Elide, ever since I saw you in those woods I fell in love with you right then and there and I knew that I would not let you go. Ever."


Elide froze. Nobody has ever said anything like that to her.

She didn't know how to respond and she only said, "I-I don't...I n-never had anyone tell me that." She felt tears brim up in her eyes and felt one slip. She buried her face in his chest and hugged him.

Traitorous feelings

She surprisingly, hugged him back as his words shocked her. "I love you Elide. So much."

Elide pulled back slightly and remembered what they almost did back in the stone marshes and smiled at him and pulled him in for a kiss, "I love you too."

***Welp, I'm terrible! I just randomly threw stuff in there. 

-hides behind wall- PLEASE DUN KILL MEH! 😖😔😩😁

Hope ya liked it! ^•^***

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