Azriel x Elain pt. 2

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Okay maybe not all of you are a slut for this stuff but...

Okay I'll shut up now...

It's more like fluff but no smut sooo..... Enjoy.

Azriel looked out at the expanse of mountians in front the cabin he had built for himself and Elain.

He and Elain usually spent their mornings and evenings admiring the sky as it turned a pale pink to flaming red and orange in the mornings, and blood orange to a pale purple and blue until the stars showed their shining faces.

His shadows curled around him and coiled around his wings, seemingly content without the chaotic drawl of Cassian or continuous bickering between Rhys and Mor.

Not that he didn't mind. He sometimes lived for the drama Cassian and Mor brung up. Sometimes, he questioned himself.

Amren, most days, was out with Nesta. When she wasn't, Varian had that job as her personal care taker.

She didn't have her unnatural personality anymore. And every month she starts eating bigger portions of food instead of blood. Azriel wondered if she tried back to drinking blood again with a shudder.

Arms wrapped around him from behind, mindful of his claw-tipped wings. "You got up early." She stated, pressing a kiss to his shoulder.

"Yes I noticed." His shadows lightened and slithered over Elain's fingers. He wasn't able to control them when she was around, but it was different with Mor. Around Mor, they at least had a sense of reality. Around Elain, reality doesn't seem to exist unless someone was eying her. "Are you hungry?"

"Of course, I'm eating for two remember?" Azriel turned, got on his knees and nuzzled her growing six-month belly, his wings flaring up and around them. For three years they've been trying for a child. For Feyre and Rhys it took almost three months. "Baby girl has been kicking non-stop."

Azriel stood and nuzzled her neck, "It's a boy and that's final." He smiles, "You need to sit down somewhere before you hurt yourself."

"You can't do that! That's not how it works!" Elain begrudgingly says as she manages to waddle over to sit on a bar chair and makes sure that she has a pillow behind her back. Cauldron knows I'll have a hissy-fit if she doesn't...

Azriel rolls his eyes and ruffles his wings with his arms crossed, "Demand me Satan."

"Pancakes and bacon, with strawberries and cream cheese." A thought. "I'm pretty sure Nesta is Satan reincarnated when Cassian pokes her in the face."

"Nesta isn't the one who constantly makes demands to be fed every hour of the day, her feet to be rubbed, or her," a look up and down her body, hungry "needs met. And when you get angry, which you never seen to notice, you're actually meaner than Nesta and Amren combined."

Elain blushed, "That's not true."

"Tell that to the ruined bedspread." He mumbles as he starts cooking.


Elain walks outside barefoot running her hands over her growing baby bump and sighs. Sometimes she sang to her unborn child, hoping it was a girl while Az insists it's a boy.

"Wouldn't it be great to be watching over two girls while they grate on your nerves?" She'd asked sweetly.

"That's only if I want to end up like Rhys with grey hairs. And besides, who would protect the both of you if I'm gone?

"Oof. Poor Az too worried about protecting his two girls." She said as she placed his hands on her stomach to feel their child kicking.

As a Seer she learned she couldn't see her future, just other's. It became upsetting at first but then she understood what knowing her own future meant.

She didn't want to look three months into the future to find out the sex of the baby, for risk of ruining Az's hopes and dreams, including her own.

She smiled at the thought and sat down on the bench in the middle of the garden near the house. Of course Azriel knew where she was because ever since they found out she was pregnant, a tether of a shadow always attached itself to her stomach with no intention of going anywhere when she was alone.

"Don't you worry baby we'll all be one big happy family. No matter who you are."

|~Three months later~|

Azriel cradles the white bundle in his arms, his shadows completely dissolved from him—as if the shadows would taint the atmosphere of his daughter—Amara. Elain holds their son Jasper, her sweaty hair sticking to her forehead and her cheeks flushed.

They'd both had been shocked when one of the healers told them that there was another head peeking behind Jasper. Feyre and Nesta had been surprised as well.

He stayed beside Elain the entire time, completely ignoring Nesta's demands to leave. Elain wanted him to stay with her, no matter how much she screamed insults at him whenever he whispered words of comfort. Definitely meaner than Nesta.

Now they both held one twin admiring how much they resembled their parents.

Parents—that word seeming almost foreign to him. He never thought that he would be a great father figure, but Elain had convinced him otherwise when he showed his doubts.

"They're beautiful." Elain whispers to him as she watches Jasper suckle at her. The healers and her sisters had left to give them privacy and enjoy their moment of happiness.

He kisses his wife's forehead and then Amara's, "I'm never letting her out of my sight." He could already imagine boys chasing after her and him throwing them on their ass.

"So now you're going to put down rules and regulations?" Elain sighs through her nose, "Illyrians, I swear."

"Does that mean you won't do the same with Jasper?"

He watches with a slight smile as her nostrils flare and eyes widen, "They aren't marrying until they are eight hundred."

"That's a bit too far don't you think?"

"Do I hear nine hundred?"

"Tone it down a bit Satan, six." He counters.

"No deal, seven."

"Five hundred." Elain doesn't answer for a while, but he knows she's agreed to it.

"If they find their other half then maybe four." She whispers and strokes Jasper's cheek. She pulls him off her breast and reaches for Amara while he takes Jasper.

"Four hundred it is huh little guy?" He puts a hand behind Jasper's neck to keep him from going off his shoulder, and he was surprised at how much energy his tiny body radiated, "We're going to keep your mother and sister out of trouble aren't we?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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