6: A litte fun on the town and a sleep over

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We get downtown and start to wander, all the light and the starts are so pretty.

"Ooooh!" Luke and Tat yell at the same time and both somewhat jog to the Starbucks a few feet ahead of us

"Such white girls." Cris rolls his eyes

"Shut up I know your order." Tat says blankly, not even stoping to look at Cris.

"...Here's my five bucks!!" Cris soon follows after them

We all walk into the coffee joint and get what we want.

"Oh my god I can't believe you guys have it!" Tat says excitedly with Luke as they order that girly unicorn drunk.

"It's a rainbow!" Luke yells

"It's so pretty!" Tat says in awe as she's handed her huge drink, I should have known she would order the biggest one.

"Oh my god why do people hate this so much?! It taste great!" Luke laughs as he taste his, meanwhile Tatianna takes pictures

"Holy crap it does." She laughs

"Mikey taste this." She smiles holding the drink up to me, I take a drink of it and she takes a picture of her feeding it to me

"That was goals." Grayson laughs as he's Snapchating the moment

"Bitch he is goals." She says sassily back as she sips her drink

"You know what would be goals?" Ethan says with a small smirk

"What's on the pretty boys mind?" Tatianna asks smiling at him

"Tat and Luke." Ethan shrugs

"Bro so true." Grayson agrees

"How?" Cris asks as he drinks his drink

"They're literally the same person but ones a blonde boy and ones a unicorn haired female." Ethan laughs

"Liessss." Luke and tat yell at the same time then look at eachother

"Don't talk to me." They both say again, get up from they're seats next to eachother and move.

"Move." They say at the same time to the twins making them sit beside eachother and sitting on either side of them

"Hi." Once again at the same time spoken to the person next to them

"Hello." I laugh as tat sits next to me.

"Soooo." She says with a cheeky grin

"What do you want now?" I laugh as I look at her

"Well-" she begins hit Cris cuts her off

"Hey sorry to interrupt your conversation but Luke and me are going down to the shoe box, wanna come?" He asks looking at the Tatianna and me

"The shoe box?" I ask confused

"Yessss!" She gets up and cheers

"Wait what is ittt?" I whine a bit grabbing her arm

"It's like a bar but for teens and they decorate it a different scene each night, like movie themes, party themes, all sorts of things, there's a big karaoke bar, a dance floor in front of the stage, cool light, it's hella fun." She smiles as she speaks

"Mmmm, sounds lame." I laugh a bit

"Fine stay here." She rolls her eyes and walk away, sassily flipping her hair.

"You guys going?" I ask the twins

"Nope." They both reply at the same time


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