Extra Chapter 4

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Louis P.O.V

~ After Diana Died ~

"Now we're here with One Direction Louis Tomlinson. How are you doing today?" Said the interviewer "Okay I guess. Yesterday was Diana funeral. I'm still trying to deal with fact that she's gone" I said.

"Before that happened you had cancer and a paralyzed leg. What happened to that?" She said "A miracle for I guess but my leg is still paralyzed and the only reason I walk normally it's because it's hooked up to something that makes me able to walk but when something amazing happens all of a sudden Diana is gone" I said.

"You had like amnesia. Do you remember everything?" She said and I shin my head "Everything is slowly coming back for me. I still can't even remember where I live so it's difficult" I said.

"How do you feel knowing that Diana killed herself due to the fact she got a bunch of hate that she couldn't take it anymore?" She said "Terrible. The last conversation we had was a fight. I sometimes feel I caused her to kill herself as well and I don't know how the people who sent her hate can live with that.

They basically killed her. What sucks so much they get to live on while Diana doesn't. When I told Beck she killed herself he literally cried and ran in his room and didn't want to come out. It hurts me to see him like that since he's always a very happy child and rarely sad.

At Downs funeral I didn't want to see her dead body. Just seeing her bloody body with a huge hole on her head was enough. There's dry blood in the bathroom floor still. No one entered the bathroom since her death besides just clean up the blood.

"Do you think you ever fall in love again?" She said and I shook my head "I loved Diana way to much to move on. I don't care if I have to raise 2 kids by myself I don't want anyone to replace Diana. She's a special girl" I said.

"Is there any music she recorded before her death that hasn't been released?" She said and I nodded "There's a lot. I've decided to release those songs 1 everyday. Those songs are special and need to be heard" I said.

"Now last question. What would've been different if you two never met at all?" She said "She would've been dead a lot sooner. She told Harry once a long time ago that me and the rest of the boys saved her from her life.

And she saved us from ours" I said smiling


"Due to the recent suicide that reached worldwide of Diana Lucker, we wanna make a law that's worldwide. No one shall break this law, but he or she does they will be charged with a fine.

The law is any form of bullying, harassment or any form of that is illegal, like cyberbullying, beat up or anything else that harms another person. For now on all accounts on any social media will be tracked down if tolerate any of this behavior.

This needs to end once and for all. Diana Lucker will be the last suicide we will have. Break this law you will be charged and punished. No one deserves to be treated terrible causing them to take their own lives. Rest In Peace to the people who killed themselves all over the world." Said the president who was live on TV and walking off the camera frame.

I'm sure Diana would love to see this. "DAD I SAW MOM!!!" yelled Beck running downstairs towards me. "What you're doing up still? It's almost midnight" I said.

"But I saw mom. She talked to me" he said jumping up and down. "What she say?" I said "She said take good care and that she's watching us" he said and I smiled.

"Well at least you have a good reason. Now get to bed, you have school tomorrow" I said "But what if they hurt me?" He said "They won't hurt anymore buddy" I said and he hugged me before running upstairs.

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