Epilogue Let Me Restart My Life

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Diana P.O.V

I laid in bed just looking at the ceiling. Dean was asleep and I looked at the clock and saw it was 2:38am. I sighed before getting up and walking out of the room. I walked past a few pictures in the hallway and the first one was me and the boys when we first met.

I saw how different I am now to back then. I looked at Louis and saw his fake smile at the time. I looked at the next picture and it was me and Louis at our first date and I remember how happy I was. I saw the next picture and it was the last picture of me and Mitch on Halloween before the motorcycle accident.

That day was that worst for me. The next one was me and Louis when I was in the hospital because of that tumor. I still have random head pains every once in a while but no biggie. Leaving Louis was hard and then finding out what my family did. I looked at the next picture and it was the bitch of us and Beck when he just born at that picnic where Louis proposed to me.

I sighed before looking at the next one and saw it was at our wedding. He was holding Beck and my dad was carrying me...actually more like trying to drop me and I was laughing and everyone else in the picture and my dad just looked innocent. I laughed a bit before moving on.

It was me and the boys and we were playing around with that tire and we stole that school bus. I smiled and continued the picture one by one till I reached the last one. It was taken after we got released from the hospital and we looked like a wreck but everyone still kept a smile.

We were all standing in front of the house and it was everyone that were involved in my life. Let me honest here...I wish I don't remember all these memories. I want to make the right choices this time, not the wrong but it can't happen now.

I sighed before walking to the bathroom and look through my cabinets. I found those sleeping pills that basically caused a huge adventure starting with that tumor. "Can't do any harm to me now right?" I said before grabbing a handful of them and shoving it into my mouth.


"I don't she's waking up any time soon"

"She was like this for the last few months"

"Are you guys giving up? Diana she'll wake up"

"Blame our parents, they just have to be more abusive towards her"

"I thought it was her bullies"

"Them too"

"At least they got that tumor out though"

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Dean, Matt, Eric and Mitch in the room. Dean was the first one to see me awake and his eyes grew wide "SHE'S AWAKE!!!" He yelled before running towards me and hugging me "SHE'S NOT DEAD!!!" Yelled Matt "STOPS YELLING!!!" Yelled Eric.

"You too dipshit" I said and he glared at me "I like you better when you were knocked out" he said and I glared at him "You okay?" Said Mitch and I nodded "Where's the kids?" I said and they have me a strange look "What kids? Are you secretly pregnant women?" Said Matt but I just kept a confused a look.

I looked to see the date was February 12, 2016. No wonder, they don't exist since I never met Harry again. "By the look on your face you seem confused" said Dean and I nodded "I'm going to go get the doctor" said Mitch "Wait, can you please call the cops to get dad and mom and Jennifer?" I said.

"Woah, where is all this coming from?" Said Mitch "Trust me, you guys will be making the right choice" I said and he gave me a look before taking out his phone.


"YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!!" yelled mom as the cops dragged everyone out one by one "Mrs. We found armory in your house and the fact you have been abusing your daughter" said the cop before reading their rights and shoving them in the car. "Wow, your family is crazy" said Matt "So I've been told" I said.

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