Chapter 10 Therapy

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Diana P.O.V

I walked around the store grabbing a few things. I'm really not getting used to having one eye and hand. I made a turn only to hit someone else cart "Sorry" I said "It's alright" said a familiar voice. I looked at her and my eyes grew wide "Jourdy?" I said and she faces me and her eyes grew wide "Diana?" She said and I nodded.

She hugged me and I hugged her back. "What happened to you? No offense" she said and I rolled my eye "One eye and one had, this is just a glass eye" I said "Wow Niall wasn't kidding" she said "Why are you here?" I said "Just a little vacation. You?" She said "I moved here. I needed a fresh start along with Patrick" I said

"So that means Louis did actually die" she said and I slowly nodded "I'm so sorry" she said "Don't be. I'm just upset because everything went by so quickly" I said "Don't worry, you'll get through it" she said "I'm still getting used to my new vision and hand" I said "How about I'll help you with the rest of your things? To make it easier" she said

"Thanks" I said and she nodded smiling.


"So this is your house?" She said dropping in front of the house and I nodded "Patrick is in there watching the kids for me. Serenity is packing to go to Harvard tomorrow" I said "How did she get accepted and not me?" She said and I shrugged my shoulders before opening the door.

She helped take the groceries in the kitchen. "So where's Patrick?" She said and I pointing to the backyard. We headed to the backyard and saw Patrick pushing them on the swings. "So he lost half his arm?" Said Jourdy and I nodded "But he's managing pretty well" I said. Patrick looked us and saw us and smiled.

"Hey Jourdy" he said "I'm surprised you still know my name" she said and chuckled "I don't forget unlike Diana" he said and I glared at him "So are you two dating or something?" She said and we shook our heads. "No we're not dating. He's here with his kid to support us. Where is Connor?" I said.

"He's helping Serenity pack up" he said continuing pushing the kids on the swings. "I wouldn't be surprised if you two end up getting together" she said "Everyone is saying that. I don't want to think about dating till I figure things out" I said "When is Louis funeral?" She said "Tomorrow. After the funeral we're taking Serenity to airport then...I don't know" said Patrick

"At least you two are like moving on" she said "Diana she hasn't fully got used to it. Her sister caused us this and she can't move on from that memory" he said "I want to forget it since it was terrible and really painful but I can't. If I just lost my hand I would be okay but no it had to be my hand and eye" I said getting angry.

"Calm down now" he said and I sighed "I'm sorry it's just that memory is to painful to forget especially them killing Louis right in front of me" I said "That's why I'm here. To help you" he said "He's right you know, he's going to help you move on" said Jourdy

"It's just will take time, you can't expect it to go away right away" said Patrick "I know but all that went by so fast I couldn't keep up and prevent it" I said "Diana there wasn't nothing you couldn't do about it anyways. It was 2 against 1" said Patrick "Let's just drop it okay?" I said before walking in the house.


I sat in front of Louis grave as rain fell down easily hiding my tears. I felt the rain stop and I looked up and saw Patrick holding a umbrella above me "We should get going. We have a hour to get Serenity to the airport" he said "Give me a couple more minutes" I said looking down and he sighed "At least take the umbrella, you're being to get sick" he said handing me the umbrella before he walked off.

I looked back to Louis grave now easily showing my tears "I'm so sorry Louis. If I knew this was going to happen to you I would've said goodbye. That one word we never get to say each other because we think it won't happen to us anytime soon" I said tracing over the letters.

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