Telling the Difference 101

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Okay we (Randy and Ali) are splitting this chapter in half so this is neutral ground Ali will be in Italics and Randy will be in Bold okay here we go!


Okay so I'm Ali and I am submissive 90% of the time I'm around. I love cuddles and I'm a bit clingy. I love my friends and family here on Wattpad with all my heart. I will rebel against some people but tend to do as I'm told. I am also dyslexic and have a stutter that comes and goes. I have a head space of 4 years old and any dominate above me will go from Master or Sir to Daddy sorry but it's true. Oh, and I also take everything said to me to heart. I think that's about it. Okay Randy's turn.


So I'm Randy I'm Dominate 90% of the time I'm around, I like giving cuddles and looking at beautiful people. I don't have much family on here yet so PM and hit me up it you want to. I rarely ever submit to anyone but I only submit out of fear. I demand respect from subs and other doms, well because it's just polite. I also talk like I'm from england I have no idea why though. I say bum, mum, finish sentences with ", yeah?" and I call everyone love.

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